
Is it bad to pretend to be happy when your really sad??

by Guest44776  |  earlier

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i mean like in school im really really sad and i dont feel happy at all but its like i put on a show because i dont want people to feel sorry for me..and its like is that bad that i hold it all in???




  1. If you stuff your feelings, hold them all in, what will happen?

    If one is cooking and keeps putting ingredients in the pan, what eventually happens?

    If one is packing for a trip, and continues to add items to the suitcase, what is the result?

    Too much of anything is toxic for humans.  Too much stuffing of feelings will result in a negative outcome, typically at the expense of you and your mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical health.

    If you want to be stuffed until you can take no more and then burst suddenly, you are doing the correct thing.

    If you want to be free from worry, anger, concern, depression, or distress, it is important to seek the counsel of someone you trust and can be yourself without acting.  Discussion of your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors is very important, especially right now.  The ultimate choice is to make an appointment with a licensed professional psychotherapist or counselor.  

    You are in control of your life....feelings are not in control.  Take the initial step of empowering yourself in seeking counseling to achieve insight, understanding, and health.

  2. Missy,

    If one is breathing and continues to breathe, what will eventually happen?

    answer: one will keep on living.


    I do the same thing you do. I asked myself if it was bad too. But the thing is, it's what I prefer. I don't want people to poke into my business. and it's normal to be's abnormal otherwise...We have tears, why not put them to use once in a while? Also what doesn't kill you make you stronger, so just hang on. :)

  3. if you think so. it depends. talk to someone. that'll make you feel a whole lot better.

  4. Your heart is in the right place - you don't want people worrying about you. If you're constantly sad, you feel like you're bringing people down.

    But you have to remember, everyone feels emotions. It's a natural process. Don't try to hide what is natural. If someone point-blank asks you, "How are you today?" and you don't feel good, tell them, "Well, I'm not having such a great day. I hope it gets better, though." Allow yourself to be sad around people, but be positive about it. In the future, it will get better - trust me.

    If you have sad feelings for a month or more, talk to someone about them. That's a very long time to be sad all the time, and you might need to have a session or two with your school counselor (after all, that's what they're there for).  

  5. YES!! LET IT OUT!!

  6. do you crave sympathy?  or just assume that if you display the "damsel in distress" look some hero will rescue you?  will that actually happen?  ARe you in distress?  Is it really who you are?  I think it's better to be yourself, but that's just me.  

  7. It's bad to hold things in.

    It's good to put on a brave face as long as you are dealing with reality at the same time.

    Talk to your parents or a trusted adult.

  8. na its good...fake it till you make it

  9. Gabb, heck no it is not bad to pretend to be happy when you are really sad. Most things that makes us sad will eventually go away or we learn to overcome them.  What is it that we want when we are sad and let everyone know we are miserable?  Is it sympathy? support? play the "Woe is me" person who feels sooooo bad?  

    When we are sad we need to lift our heads give the bird to whatever made us sad and move on. There is many a tear in the heart that never reaches the eyes because we are grounded.  Again, when happy, share your happiness with the world.  When sad, let the sadness be just a small obstacle that you need to overcome.  This will make you a strong and independent person and this will serve you well in the future.

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