
Is it bad to put a pool under a tree?

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Is it bad to put a pool under a tree?




  1. Almost everyone has trees near their pool. You just have to be willing to clean the pool often, realize wild animals can and will swim in it, etc.

  2. Yes. Besides the leaves, bugs, bird c**p, animals, etc. that will end up in your pool, this is also a perfect breeding ground for bacteria.

    Also, it just isn't as fun unless the pool is out in the sun.

    If you like the shade, maybe you could put a hot tub under the tree and the pool in the open. Hot tubs also breed bacteria, and you will just have to be very carefule to keep the hottub immaculate. At least it will have a covor over it most of the time.

  3. Good; it will be shaded.

    Bad; it will be right under birds.

  4. get a pool cage


  5. its not really bad but youll probly have to clean it out a lot and its possible that more animals will fall in so its probly not a good idea

  6. Yep. The roots can damage the pool walls, leaves will drop into it constantly, and it'll be too shady for swimming on cooler days.

  7. i think so. its a hassle to clean very often and critters to be swimming in it lol. plus if its raining idt its a good idea to swim, cus lightning often strikes trees.

  8. no, but your going to get a lot of leaves in it and have to clean it everyday!

  9. YES ! Impossible to keep pool clean, and there is always that one village idiot that will jump out of the tree, into the pool. DANGEROUS !

  10. I don't know if it is bad but I would say it would be a lot of work cleaning out the pool 'cause of all the c**p falling from the tree.

  11. well yes ... no sun .. tree debris falling in .. bird mess .. why would you wnat one there?

  12. well... no, but you'll have to clean it a lot. It'll get tons of leaves, tree ants, bird droppings etc. If it's a maple tree, you'll get a lot of sap too. that stuff is nasty.

    I would suggest not to put it under a tree :/

  13. i think so but i aint sure cuz well idk but i think it aint a gud idea

  14. what kind of pool...if its like a doe boy (one you build on top of ground) Then really you just gotta worry about leaves and bird p**p and can get messy....But if it is a built in pool then its not a good idea because the roots of the trees can damage the walls of the pool and crack the cement and tear it up basically. Build it a safe distance away from the roots of the tree...some trees roots grow large and take up a lot of space while others like palms have a restricted root zone...hope i helped

  15. You mean directly under a tree? If you can keep it warm and clean then go right ahead but if you can't do either then what the heck are you doing??

    To start with think of the water quality even if you have a great filter because in just about every tree there's birds and birds, like every other living creature, have to answer the call of nature and they'll likely be doing that right into your pool. Got kids? Their immune systems aren't built up yet like an adult's so they're really susceptible to things like that.

    Also as others have said trees are always shedding something whether it's leaves or flower petals or nuts or branches or something like that and trust me all of those things can be a huge pain to get out. Added that trees are prime places for mold and algae to grow if that stuff gets in your pool you could be in for a blast. Basically what would happen is whatever daily ritual you have you would have to add a trip to the pool store to get your gallon of shock for the day.

    Lastly, think about the pool temperature. A temperature of 65 or lower won't just be really cold, it could be harmful to a person's health. Water temperatures like that make your body's core temperature drop dramatically and again it'll be easier for algae-like organisms to grow in your pool. When we had our pool put in we had to take down 2 trees just to make room for the pool and then for better sunlight we had to take down the top half of one and and another entire tree but the thing is the pool's still surrounded by trees so we constantly have to scoop stuff out of there, it just never stays clean no matter what.

    So all said just put the pool in the most open spot in your yard that you can. If you have to take trees down to make room for the pool then obviously you'd do that before the pool's put in but if you need to cut down trees to make sure that the pool gets sunlight then also do that before the pool's put in, that'll save you a lot of cleaning and help the people who come to cut the trees.

  16. no but you might get alot of stuff in your pool cause of the tree

  17. you will have to skim it a lot and it will shade the water, so it might be a little cold.  I would avoid it if possible

  18. well if u want to clean the pool up every five seconds id say its fine.

  19. yes but only because the leaves will fall in the pool then youll have to spend time fishing them out. not only leaves but bugs in the tree can fall in the pool too

  20. Well, if you want leaves, branches, shade, maybe tree animals, then no. I would advise not to because its more of a hassle cleaning it out.

  21. yes, because of the shade and the roots that will grow under pool liner

  22. well you're going to end up with alot of leaves and dirt in your pool which can cause alot of problems and also if it is a big tree then the roots can actually crack the concrete.

  23. Yes...leaves, birds S**t, etc. will fall into your pool. Plus you will be in the shade.

  24. It could be if the tree drops limbs and leaves so if you do have a pool under a tree be prepared to clean your pool out a lot.

  25. Nothing is wrong with putting a pool under a tree.

    Like when my mom got a pool for us we had a perfect

    place for it but since it was under a tree we couldnt

    becuase when the wind blows

    things from the tree with come off and fall into the

    pool  then you have to clean it. Maybe you can

    just buy a vacume for it so you can clean it every three

    days or soo..


  26. no, but if you put it under a tree birds that sit in the tree will p**p in it, more bugs will get into it, and leaves and sap will get into it. but if you dont mind all that stuff then no its not bad :)

  27. I had a pool growing up under a pine tree, so you can imagine how much skimming I had to do with pine needles and such. If you can avoid it, do!

  28. just watch out cuz tree roots can crack a pool


  30. yeahh i would say it is.

    it's more expenisve to heat because it won't heat naturally as easy and you will get a ton of leaves you have to clean out and everything.

    please answer my question;...

  31. well not really if u dont mind cleaning leaves out everyday!

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