
Is it bad to sleep during the day and stay up the whole night???

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I usually go to sleep like at 9-10AM. And wake up at 5 or 6.

I started to change it and started to go to sleep earlier, like 10pm-2am. But every single time I would wake up at like 6 in the morning? I dont know why. Then by like 12 I would be sleepy.

But yeah anyways, is it bad? And how can I get rid of my paleness?




  1. No its not bad as long as you get all the sleep your body needs(7 or so hours)

  2. I don't think it's bad if the room you're in is dark. And i don't know how to get rid of the paleness. I've never had a problem with that.

  3. yeah it could be bad

  4. u are used to going to sleep really late, that's why u wake up at 6 am.

  5. yes very bad you may also gain weight from this if you have bad sleeping habits  

  6. yea it is bad and it will get worse and worse. you need to correct your circadian rythym.  

    you sound exactly like me with those time patterns.  

  7. I did it for years.  My job went from 11PM to 7AM.

  8. It's healthy to have a regular sleeping schedule. You should try to wake up earlier in the mornings so you go to bed earlier at night. Just try to wake up an hour earlier each day to regulate your sleeping pattern. Plus, you've missed out on nearly your whole day by waking up that late. You don't want that!

  9. Ah another vampire wanna-be. This little fad is pretty ridiculous.

  10. I heard that it can actually shorten your life span because your body just isn't "wired" to be up all night like that.  

  11. i dont think its bad. as long as u get the recommended 7 to 8 hours a night(or day in this case) then i dont think there is really anything wrong with it. how long have you been pale for?

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