
Is it bad to sleep with a tampon ?

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Is it bad to sleep with a tampon ?




  1. I think it' best not to--just to give your body a break, but I've done it many times--just change as soon as you get up--

  2. No, it's fine!  Just be sure to change it at least once a day.

  3. Change it every 8 hours to avoid TSS.

    I change mine before I go to bed. Not an hour before, not thirty minutes before.  But right when I want to sleep, I go to the bathroom and change my tampon.

    1. This prevents leaking if I am on a heavy flow.

    2. I might sleep more than 8 hours and a clean tampon reduces risk of TSS

  4. Its not bad, its fine, but ONLY if you sleep less than 8 hours. because you have to change your tampon at LEAST every 6-8 hours, so if its in longer than that, its really bad and you could get TSS.... so if you sleep less than 8 hours [make sure you have an alarm clock set or something], then its perfectly fine! :)

  5. It's not healthy, but nothing will happen. I do it all the time, and nothing happened so far. Hoping nothing will. But no, it is safe as long as you change it first thing in the morning.


  6. It's dangerous to keep a tampon in for more than 7 hours. Read the instructions for more details on it. But if you are taking a nap for like an hour or 2, it's fine.   Just make sure you take it out when you wake up.  

  7. no just make sure that you take it out and put in a new one in the morning.

  8. i dont see why its not bad. but just in case, just use pads at night

  9. No. I do all the time, and it was recently proved to be safe now by the FDA.

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