
Is it bad to stress about something good??

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my boyfriend has been out of town for quite some time now,and he'll finally be here this weekend! but i cant sleep or eat without thinking about him...and everytime i think about him while im eating i get this feeling in my tummy and im not hungry anymore.IS THIS BAD??...if so how can i stop this?!




  1. No big deal...just sounds like you are anxious for his return. Quite normal actually.

  2. Nahhh its quite normal its because u love him and u miss him

    u should be happy that he is coming back this weekend

  3. You are just anxious and excited.  It's perfectly normal and happens to many people when something great is anticipated.  Like when a couple is getting married it is very common for them to have problems sleeping that night because they are so excited.

  4. There is nothing bad about feeling good unless it would hurt someone else.  It does sound like you are a little obsessive.  Try getting that under control.  Obsessing can be damageing to a relationship.  Try to stay involved in everyday life that does not have him in it.  That makes it even more fun when your with him.  You will have so much to talk about and you will find out his interests, which is VERY important to the relationship.  It keeps it new

  5. What you're feeling is normal just try staying busy.

  6. You are just anxious and excited. it's alright to get like that your just in love and you miss him! i used to get like that and i still do with my man

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