
Is it bad to take 1200mg at once?

by  |  earlier

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I just took two 600mg tablets...of some allergy type pills. Is that safe? Side effects?




  1. you'll probably be very very tired. i'm not sure about what other damages can happen.

  2. What do the directions say?  And are they yours?  If you still don't know you can always call the E.R. and ask to speak to a nurse.

  3. Excess oral medicine goes out finally but you may require to drink lots of water to lower the immediate effect on your body.Phone your doctor and check as you have not mentioned which medicine you took.Meanwhile take on drinking water and lots of it.

  4. It would depend on the kind of pills.  It is generally unwise to take pills first, then find out what they do afterwards.

  5. Allergy pills suppress the immune response system.  A side effect is sleepiness/drowsiness.  Double-dosing puts an added strain upon your kidneys and liver to break down the medicine.  

    Under no circumstances should you be driving.  You are not safe to you or to others right now.  Many states can and do arrest you for DUI, which means Driving Under the Influence.  DUI does not just mean alcohol.  It also means other drugs, prescription and otherwise.  

    To help your body process the medicine, drink tons of water.  It won't make it go faster, just easier on your body.

  6. call the pharmacy and ask them. you might want to let people know what you were taking if you want an answer... though the only common "allergy" pill i can think of that comes in 600mg is guafenisin which is pretty harmless

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