
Is it bad to tell a girl her hair looks disgusting?

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One of my friends asked if I liked her hair bleached...I said "Ew, no its disgusting, your hair was better natural"

Well, now she isn't talking to me....




  1. Um YES it's bad. It's mean. She probably couldn't tell you were joking. You should apologize to her and just tell her you were joking.  

  2. yes it makes them VERY MAD!!!!!!!! be careful we get vicious

  3. well, u shouldn't have said it was DISGUSTING. u should have just simply said hmmmmm... i liked it better the original way or something like that. cause girls want compliments on their appearance  

  4. haha yeah we girls take that sorta thing seriously

  5. dude, that was MEAN!

    apologize, now!

  6. haha its not your fault... she asked!

  7. If someone said to you that your hair was disgusting, how would you feel?

  8. It's mean, but she had to know. If I looked bad, I would want my friends to tell me.  

  9. heck yes

    I think it's bad to tell anyone their hair looks digusting

  10. well girls are pretty sensitive about their hair and other things so it probably wasn't smart to say something like that. lol. but she should be happy that you're honest lol. just tell her that you were trying to be honest

  11. well you most likely offended her. you should tell her your sorry and just politely explain that like you said, you liked her hair better natural.  

  12. It' better to tell the truth, but say it in a nice way

    Maybe you should've tried something like:  Honestly, I personally don't like it on you.  I think your hair was naturally beautiful in the first place.  You don't have to do anything to it because it's already gorgeousss!!!

    Because by saying ew it's gross or disgusting, it might hurt her feelings

    So try to apologize and say you didn't meant it, then say it the correct way.

  13. oh wow yeah disgusting is kinda harsh of a word to choose jus explain to her u were jking its not ur fault u were being honest  

  14. I think you were a bit harsh. It's ok to tell the truth, just now that way. You should have been a little more sensitive.

  15. hahahaha she asked

  16. Well that was a bit rude. You could have said " its ok. i personally like it a tad bit more natural. But if you like it im down with it."

    To get her to talk to you again call her or something and say. "Hey im sorry for acting the way i did. It was all a joke."

  17. well u kinda said it in a offensive way. you could've said, " I liked your hair better natural."

  18. lol maybe if you would have put it gentler.... she probably took personal offence to what you said. i wouldn't bother apologizing, she'll get over it and start worrying about what her shoes look like or something.  

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