
Is it bad to transfer to a lot of schools?

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I have transferred one time (my sophmore year now) and i plan on transferring next year in the fall.. will this like look bad on my records?




  1. yes

  2. Not if you have a legitimate reason.  It will probably delay your earning your degree by a semester or two because some class credits won't transfer.  A legitimate reason is usually moving from in state to out of state, the school has lost its certification, the school is dropping your major, etc.  Most employers will ask for the reason, as will grad schools.

  3. Yes, usually. The universities will look at is as a bad thing because they will think you left because you were 1. got in trouble, 2. did do well or 3. didn't like the school, so you might leave their school the same.

      It is a fact that the more you transfer, the worse you do in school.

       My advice is that you avoid it if you can.

  4. kind of cause in my freshman year i had six classes now i have seven so that means i loss a whole credit just for changing schools.

  5. This is not a wise for a number of reasons.  First, there is no guarantee that the college you transfer to will accept every single credit as a transfer credit equivalent, meaning that you may have to repeat some classes under a different title, but essentially it will be the same course work and a complete waste of time and money.  Second, to employers and potential graduate committees, this looks like a lack of commitment and lack of direction- why can't you stay put for longer than a year?  Third, the more you transfer, the less likely it is that any professor will teach you more than one course, and with that being the case, good luck getting a letter of recommendation from them down the road!

    I've transferred schools twice and wish I wouldn't have!  It's a lot of explaining to do when I go on job interviews and applying to grad school was very difficult for the reasons I mentioned above.

  6. Keith F aka spamalot idiot shut up

    I went to MJC, Fresno State, San Jose State  and then I picked up a summer course at Sac City College (only college that would offer Chemistry over the summer, cheaper and honestly easier). Then I picked up an elective at Stanislaus State University I needed nearby since I commuted my whole time (forget one damned elective, it was cheaper and easier to commute).

    So I am sending off transcripts for 5 schools to get into my internship.  I don't think it poses an issue.

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