
Is it bad to want a body like this when I grow up?

by  |  earlier

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I want to be 18 stone (pure muscle, heavily toned), 6 feet 8 inches with size 16 feet, blond hair and blue eyes. Is that bad?




  1. That's the way I look, sure it's ok.

  2. Only if you can't accept yourself otherwise.  You may not turn out your "perfect" image, but if you try, just be happy with whatever you achieve.

    If you can't accept yourself, it's going to suck. :)

    Also, don't judge others by how you want to look. Everyone has different images of themselves, so your perfect image is not their perfect image.

  3. okay weird.

    you have some serious self esteem issues,hun.

    accept yourself for who you sounds cheesy but it works.

  4. do what you want.

    btw, your a guy right? it be kinda akward.....nevermind

  5. Are you a girl or a boy?

  6. Well, you'll NEVER have size 16 feet, sorry. For a guy you already have large feet, and I don't even think ANYONE has size 16 feet. The 6 foot 8 inches is another impossible dream - you can't make yourself grow. I mean, you're feet are prolly done growing, and you may grow a few more inches - but I doubt you'll be that huge. The blonde hair and blue eyes is out of your control too - and you've already got that, so, yah.

    Idk wut u mean by 14 stone, 18 stone - but the pure muscle, heavily toned you have to work at boy!!!! work out intensly, join sports, and you just might get there!!!

  7. Your only 13...

    EDIT: btw, you are in the 95th percintile of bmi which means your obese.


  8. uhm, i don't know much about "stones"

    but 6'8'' is kind of tall.

    and size 16 feet is like huge.  

  9. To wish to be something you are not is not a good thing.  You can not control your height or shoe size.  You can change your eye color and hair color, but why?  Trying to be something you are not will only lead to others judging you as a poser and fake.  Be who you are.  If you want to eat healthy and exercise to become fit, then that is fine as long as you are doing it for yourself and not someone else.  Please learn to love yourself just the way you are, because you were created to be someone special, whether you see it now or not.

  10. first of all i HATE the the jhonases lol and second i thinnk you might want to gradually get like that i mean dont go on pills or something...

  11. well, are you doing this to get girls or for your own body image? because most girls do not like a guy made out of pure muscle.  do not dye your hair blond if it doesnt match your complexion.  same with the blue eyes.

  12. no, but you shouldnt set you goals too high just in case you dont reach them.  

  13. why would that be bad? and is all of this making up for a small d**k? and fat man. but for something good, work yourself up gradually, it is a high goal, and you have to be 100% dedicated. go for it, if it makes you happy. do lots of sports, go to the gym, do weights but not to excess. progress slowly, when fitness is better then increase tempo and intensity of work out. personally, if i was you, i would do interval or fartleck training. interval training is training for a certain time at a certain intensity, having a break and repeating it. fartlek training, is variating your speed, for example 2 minutes walking, 30 seconds sprinting, one minutes jogging and repeating. this will improve your cardiovascular and respiritory system as well as burning off many calories.  but get a basic fitness before anything big.

  14. there is nothing wrong with wanting a perfect body (who doesnt). Don't get too obsessed with it tho, learn to live with urself, if not get ur a$$ up and start working on it.

    BTW. I think blue/green eyes are cute on a guy ; )

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