
Is it bad to wash your hair everyday?

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I wash my hair every other day because I thought it was bad to wash your hair everyday. Do you think that's true or is that just hearsay?




  1. i heard that it is b/c shampoo has something in it that works hard on the roots so i also wash it every other day

    plz answer mine:;...

  2. it depends on your hair type

    if your hair is greasy then you should wash it every day

    but if it is really dry then wash it every other day

  3. It depends on your hair type.

    Mine is really greasy so I have to wash it every day.

    Washing it that often in itself is not bad for it, as long as you condition it properly

  4. i think it is, i do the same since i flat iron my hair so much.

    but like the what the powerpuff girl icon says, if it's so oily then i suppose you can.

  5. it is true. your hair has natrual oils in it that keep it strong and healthy. when you wash your hair every day your washing those oils away and no shampoo no matter what it says on the label, can replace them. this will thin your hair a whole lot, and you will start to bald (even if it doesnt run in your family) way sooner than normal.

    it would be ideal to wash it every two days, but for most people its every other day.  

    i still shower everyday, i cant not shower. i feel gross. but i just put a towel on my head and shower so my hair doesnt get wet.

  6. My hair stylist told me to shampoo twice every other day because it'll prevent your hair from falling out when youre older.

  7. it depends on your hair type and your shampoo.

  8. If your hair gets greasy really fast the next day you can wash it everyday but if its dry and normal then you can go a day or two without washing it. people with dry hair can go a week without washing their hair. but people with oily and greasy hair have to wash their hair almost everyday. its not necessarily bad to wash your hair everyday but your hair does need the natural vitamins and oils but people do wash their hair everyday and it can tend to dry out their hair. it depends on your hair type. i hope that helped, good luck.

  9. No it's true.  The natural oils are good for your hair and plus if your not washing your hair every day then you are most likely not blow drying it and applying as much heat damage.. so yes it's true. Some people go longer but I do every other day also.

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