
Is it bad to waste to waste water and electricity when my landlord pays the bills?

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I love to be able to be wasteful without paying for the consequences.




  1. s***w your landlord...they will do  you given 1/2 a chance

    have a pool party in the tub...light the lights from morn to nite

  2. What makes you think that you aren't paying for the consequences? Your landlord passes the cost of the utility bills along to you in the rent.

    And since this is the environmental section, I think you know what the rest of the answer would be.

  3. Trouble is, you will develop a habit.  And you will find it very difficult should you ever have to cut you useage down to a respectable will be the one suffering mentally...."how can I do it???it is not possible...I am gonna die.....!!"   And others will laugh at you.   It is so much easier to conserve "when you are not FORCED TO"

  4. Bad for your landlord, bad for the environment, and maybe bad for you if the land lord raises the rent to cover the cost of his big water and electric bills.

  5. Wow, my question is, "How old are you?"  I can't believe we're getting a question like this in 2008.  The price is not your water bill, it's the safety of our ecology.  Of course you shouldn't waste, no matter who is paying the bills.

  6. Eventually your landlord will raise rent to cover the cost of the "included" utility bills.  You are already paying rent and in that cost, the cost of water and electricity are folded in there.  And the cost is probably averaged out, you use more, someone else uses less, and everyone pays a flat amount.  

    So no matter what happens, it's you that will pay the consequenses in higher rent payments.  Landlords look at their operating costs all the time, if there's a spike in utility usage for long term, he's going to raise rent to cover the costs.

  7. of course its wasteful i sound like you should be asking , Is it mean to waste water and electricity because I don't have to pay for it? I am sorry it sownds mean but ...

  8. Yes since it harms the environment the wastefulness of your ways.

  9. I am not crazy greeny, but this is pig like behavior. Normal human wouldn’t act that way. Only irresponsible spoiled brat will.

  10. Oh....thats...

  11. Ok boys and girls, lets get real.

    I'm from the old school conservatism movement when back in the 70's they taught people to turn off lights in unused rooms and that.

    Now sure, i'm not condoning waste, but lets get real for a second. The only reason the "green" movement is worried about electrical waste is because electricity takes fuel to create from the city. And fuel supposedly is "bad for the enviroment" at least according the the global warming freaks. So if you "waste" electricity, your neighbor isn't going to have to do without it, its there to be used, or even wasted. But if we all used less electricity, there would be less fuel use. But until someone can difinitively prove global warming....a feat no one has been able to do as yet, and there's been increasing scientific evidence that its not happening, then I figure...what's the big deal. As long as you do'nt have your whole house powering 1000's of KW hour devices and neon lights, the manager isn't going to have a heart attack, and only the most anal or uneducated enviro-whacko would say anything.

    As for water, basically the same thing except for the difference, there are actual draught areas that might effect water usage. Some places even have water hours , higher billing and can fall back on rationing if things get too bad.

    As I said, not making a case for waste, but its high time the politically correct 'green' movement get their butts kicked for making a mountain out of a mole hill at times without opposition

  12. yes it is awful for the enviorment

  13. Just remember there are consequences for everything. Yours may be that your landlord will increase your rent to cover the cost of the electric and water.

  14. Then what you need to do right away is grow up... Maybe a session with your therapist would help.....

    Don't have one,  then get one.....   What are you some kind of spiteful baby, if you  do this, and i mean if you do this.... I'm sure there will be consequences to your behavior... and if your landlord sees the bill increase, you'll get your rent increased,  and then,   who's crying now...   This is called Karma

  15. The keyword is waste. Why should you "waste" anything no matter who is paying for it? What an immature view you have!

  16. Waste not, want not!!!

    It is always bad to be wasteful.  If you cost your landlord a lot on power and water, then he will either have to up the rent or boot you out.  Or, he may remove utiities from the agreement alltogether, and then you'll have the bills.

    Having a landlord pick up the tab for all of the utilities these days is very rare.  Don't mess up a good thing.  Energy prices are already on the rise.

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