
Is it bad to wear one color all the time?

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All I have pretty much are nice green shirts and blue jeans. I'll say that's about 4/5 of my wardrobe. I just love green! Is this bad?




  1. I don't think so as long as the styles are different

    You can change the shades of green too

  2. yeahh.

    mix it upp.

  3. Yes, it is bad to wear one color all the time.

  4. no, but it's annoying, especially for those who see you day after day

  5. You should spice it up some. Make it look fun, and exciting. Collective.  

  6. i used to be like that with blue and pink but then i started stopping myself from buying and looking at those colors when i went shopping and trying different colors so just try that

  7. no its not bad,i do the same thing,if its your favorite color and if u look good in it WEAR IT

  8. who cares as long as youre comfy and you dont smell

  9. Having a primary color is fine (especially one as neutral and welcoming as Green). Try to branch out a bit.

  10. Nah, it's your style...  Dress the green up with some splashes of color like a different colored belt or necklace or something.  Next time you go shopping, look for other colors that compliment your style like browns or more neutral colors to accent your wardrobe and add some variety.  One color is fine, but diversity in color can portray an exhuberant and exciting personality.  Be careful about being "boring" in your dress.  Colors are more noticable and express confidence which is an attractive quality.

  11. i wouldnt say its bad

    but come on!

    u have to change your style once in a while

    like why do you keep wearing green is it an emotaional thing lol

  12. Its not bad.... and not that great either.... my fav color is green and i look mighty fine in it but you may want to add more color and changes     try some blues purples and pinks (=

  13. YES!!!  you need to show some character!!  and wearing one color shows your dullness...  sorry to say.

  14. No most of my wardrobe is pink. When i go shopping i try to stop and see what im trying on and then go get more things of other colors so im not constantly wearing all pink but thats perfectly fine.

  15. Do you really care what other people think? If you love green wear it. If you feel like mixing it up a little find things that have a pattern where green is the main color. I would rather wear clothing/colors that I love than be uncomfortable to please others!  

  16. no its not bad just every once in a while wear a different color shirts

  17. its not BAD, but mixing and matching and playing with different colors are always a thumbs up. =]

  18. not if you feel ok in it i used to have about 25 red shirts i have since enlarged and branched out my color selection and have a large variety of colors now. . . basically it's a phase. . no matter what your age

  19. No if you like green wear it!

    But then again don't be afraid to buy something in a different color!

    I'm kinda the same but with red shirts and blue jeans.

    LOL my mom usually makes me get a couple of things that aren't what i typically wear.

    Like a yellow blouse and a cute skirt and a pair of Capri's and a blue t-shirt.

    If you want a lil of attention when school starts try something totally new that you like.

    Hope i could help,


  20. Hi its fine to keep wearing the same color considering it is your favorite but sometimes spice it up with more colors. My favorite color is pink but I also wear different colors =)

  21. well i LOVE green to seriously i love green but sometimes when you buy say a purple jacket and you need a tank top to go under it well if all you have is green well green and purple dont mix so if i were you i would at least buy different colors like pink or if u dont like pink brown,blue,gray or purple but its your choice if you like green go for it but at least try to jazz it up!!

    hope this helps

  22. as long as you don't wear completely wear one color like fully black one of my friends has that style and its really ugly because she like never wears jeans or new t-shirts my bff got her this really cute shirt for her and she never wore it she traded it in for a dark brown sweater the only colors she wears is dark brown black or red UGLY it sooooo annoying

  23. I don't know, some people may think your wardrobe is smaller than is really is though.

  24. ok lol even if you like the colour green you need to wear different coloured things so people KNOW its a different shirt. or bottom if you wear the same colour all the time people are going to think you wear the same thing all the time .. lol so next time you go shopping & you really like a shirt get it in a different colour OTHER then green like Red or Purple . :)  

  25. nope that sounds like me... tons of green shirts& jeans

    green is the coolest color ever

  26. Make it more interesting! Switch it up some!

  27. only if you live in a neighborhood where you can get shot for wearing the same color over and over agian. people might think your in a gang

  28. Its never bad to wear one color, I cant say I do it my self but I too tend to wear mostly the same thing!

    I simply like wearing what I wear, I even buy 2-3 of the same T-shirts if I like .them...

    Some might tell you to wear more colors, whatever! Just be your self

    All the best,


  29. yeah kinda bad. colour can affect how u act, so trying a different colour might make u feel better or more confident or something, its nice to have a change!

    theres a guy me and my sis always see about town and he always wears blue or white, and we call him 'mr blue and white' lol (original)

    so people do notice!

  30. Not bad, but you need some variety

  31. No, not in my opinion. I mean, if it's black and it looks like your worshiping the devil, or being Emo (not that I have anything against emos) THEN I think it can be bad.

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