
Is it bad to work out with sciatica?

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I have been having sciatica pains for about a month but just got diagnosed about a week ago and have been taking prednisone to help, but i still get pain. I have been trying to stay away from activity because i thought it would make it hurt more, but i feel like im getting out of shape and i was wondering if working out would really make it worse. I am a dancer, so would stretching hurt it more or no? what kinds of things are okay to do with sciatica? and is sciatica totally curable or will i have this pain forever?




  1. The vast majority of people who experience sciatica get better with time (usually a few weeks or months) and find pain relief with non-surgical sciatica treatment. For others, however, sciatica can be severe and debilitating....

    Try looking at this site, hope it can help you  :)

  2. no

  3. You better start working out and toning up in spite of the pain.  It will hurt, but not damage.  Inactivity makes it many times worse, and prolongs it indefinitely.

    It is curable.  It can go away on it's own, if the herniated disc relocates, dissolves or breaks off, and that is legitimate & safe, or if you have a little surgery.

    Prednisone won't help, it is a waste of money and effort.  This is not a cortisone-addressed issue.  It will not shrink a cartiligenous disc!  OMG.  Narcotics are common and addictive, morphine in the hospital.

  4. Go ahead and try to work out with sciatica. You will discover that what you have is just a pale imitation of the real thing. You don't have "pains," plural. The real thing is one long pain that reaches from your calf up to your shoulder blade and even up to the base of your skull behind the ear. Nothing helps much, except rest over weeks at a time, though a chiropractor is sometimes a godsend. The real red flag for me is the prednisone--it may help over the short haul, but the stuff does awful things to your liver, kidneys, and nervous system if you take it for more than a month. It's an anabolic steroid, man, and its risks stink--take it from one who knows, whose liver won't make enough platelets to stop a nosebleed and whose ankles and feet are numb to the point that I once sprained an ankle and broke a foot without knowing it until they turned purple. You're young and your body will bounce back IF YOU GIVE IT A CHANCE. My chiropractor is Dr. Conover--ask him to show you a chart of the nervous system and you'll see how important the sciatic nerve is and why working out in this case is simply stupid. A quick tip: try lying on your stomach with a firm pillow under your waist for no less than 20 minutes--it will relieve the spasming back muscles.

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