
Is it bad/weird to be 14 and never have had a bf? any tips on how to get one?

by Guest31649  |  earlier

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so i am a freshman in highschool and i have never kissed or been kissed by any boys and never had a real boyfriend. although i have been asked out. any advice? is it weird or bad that i havent?? wut should i do?? i really want a bf!

in addition in now go to a all girls higschool. the guys' school is right next to it but u cant walk over a lot or u seem really desperate. there is a frosh dance on friday...what should i do? also i dont know how to grind...HELP!!!




  1. its not weird nor is it bad, its normal

  2. No it's not weird.I'm 16 and I've never had one and I don't even care that much.

  3. It's fine, trust me. I know you may want one, but think about it. WHY do you want one? Save your first kiss for someone special, you probably won't be with your (boyfriend) for very long anyway. Just wait and the right guy will come along someday!!  

  4. it is normal. If you want some interaction though just go to the dance and just smile a lot and make small talk. It is a true fact that guys are sometimes shyer than girls so if you ask someone to dance or just talk, more likely than not you will land one who thinks your cool.

    And grinding? Just dance normal, grinding comes later lol.

  5. No it's not weird.  Some 14 year olds are not ready to have a boyfriend or girlfriend yet.

  6. nah, nuthins wrong with u! and it seems a lot of people are givin u advice saying that...soo i'm goin to try to answer both ur questions...

    1. what to do?- go with a group to the guys school, u wont look like ur desperate trust me some gurls will be wishing they had enough courage to go see them 2...or even better if any of ur gurl friends have a guy friend go with her to visit him..then u could meet his friends...

    2. How to grind? it's easyer to grind for ur first time if ur partner is bigger then u. let him lead. all u have to do is press ur behide up againest his front and swing ur hips with him. with ur hands u can leave them at ur side or if ur close to the guy put them over his hands which SHOULD! be on ur hips....i say should cause some guys dance with their hands other places...but since ur only 14 dont let him use u like that!!!

  7. Jacky (15) and Dana (14) say:

    We have never had boyfriends either, so it's definitely not weird.  It's better to wait for someone you actually want to go out with then to get your heart broken over some jerk.  So wait.  That's what we're doing.  And we've never really been kissed either except in a game, which was against dana's will.  But anyways, about the grinding thing, you just stand with your butt into his... thing...;) and you bend your knees and move from side to side.  When you start, you'll know what to do.  Trust me, I've seen the worst.  

    So don't worry about it, and you don't really need to worry about freshman year too much, either.  It's over before you know it. -Jacky.


    J & D <33

    Good luck!  :]

  8. your just under pressure no its not weird

  9. What about the guy you lobotomized, did he get a refund?

  10. No, it isn't bad or weird to be 14 and not have a boyfriend :\

  11. NO! It is not bad or weird!You can't do something just cause you see other people do it.get a boyfirend when you are ready!

  12. It's not bad or weird that you haven't had a bf, guys are attracted to girls that are self-confident.  You sound desperate and that's not really the way to go about it.  And "being yourself" does work, because if you try to pretend to be someone you're not, then the truth will eventually come out.  Don't try to rush into it, it'll happen when you least expect it.  Just be friendly and remember to be confident all the time.

  13. apparently ur attractive since guys have asked u out

    but one of my friends is like u, shes never had a bf and never been kissed [were freshman to] and she wants one

    dont think ur uncool cuz u havent had a bf or first kiss there are tons of ppl that dont get a bf or gf til theyre like in their 20s maybe 30s and there are so many ppl our age + older who havent had their first kiss yet either dont feel left out

    first who do u like? u have to start to like someone to have a bf and dont just chose some random guy

    if u dont like anyone then good for u but if u do then take the chance and ask him out  

  14. You should be proud of the fact that 1. you're not like a lot of girls, 2. you don't know how to grind, 3. and you've never had a boyfriend or been kissed.  Doing any of the above is a road to even bigger worries.  Ask yourself...Why do I need a boyfriend, why do you need to know how to grind, and why do you want your first kiss with someone who doesn't cherish you. Please take time to think about each answer and see if this something that will benefit your life today.

  15. I totally relate to you. I'm a sophomore and I've never dated or kissed a guy. I don't think its that weird cuz i know a lot of people that are in the same situation. go up to some guys at the dance and talk to them you dont have to grind with them to get their attention :) good luck!

  16. No it isn''t.

    Flirt. Flirt like crazy sister

    Ok and grinding is easy. Start with your girl friends first.

    Just go with the flo

  17. Ok, first of all I just want to say that you are really young.  I didn't get my first boyfriend or first kiss till I was 18, so just relax and let things flow as they are.  When you're ready for a boyfriend, it'll happen.  I promise. :)

    Why don't you go over to the guys' school from time to time and introduce yourself?  It isn't important that you don't know how to grind, that's disgusting anyways.  Do you see any of the guys after school?  Get to know some of them!  Politely ask them if they'd be interested in going to a dance with you.  Don't worry about getting a boyfriend.  You're young and have plenty of years ahead of you.

    Hope I helped!!

  18. LOOK in the mirror..if ur ugly then not havin a bf is somethin meant to b..if ur cute then its somethin about ur confidence or u gettin guys to notice u try  lookin good for skool and **** like that.

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