
Is it bad/weird to be 14 and never have had a bf?

by Guest32785  |  earlier

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so i am a freshman in highschool and i have never kissed or been kissed by any boys and never had a real boyfriend. although i have been asked out. i really want a boyfriend though. any advice? is it weird or bad that i havent?? wut should i do?




  1. Nope i am 14 and i am single.

  2. No not really.

  3. Its not weird at all! Your only just a freshman, you still have your whole life to date.  Plus you should focus on your academics and athletics that's boys just put a damper on everything and make it so much harder(but I'm sure you've got told that before).  Just wait find someone your into and then just start chatting it up with them, if you get to know them more maybe they'll start to like you too =]

  4. not at all.. take your time

  5. It isn't weird but you are in high school now and you have to understand everyone has either boyfriends or girlfriends.

  6. OK.  You are an independent young woman.  You know what you like and you know what you don't.   Do NOT give in to pressures outside of your own idealism.  Yea, a lot of your friends are hooking up and doing things you probably think are cool and interesting.  But listen.  I was like that too.  I HATED high school because of the clickes and the drama that went on with it all.  After that four year warzone, I was able to make my way into what I am.

    Don't feel pressured. Others are in your same shoes. Stay your course and remain true to yourself.  Everything you want WILL happen.  Don't force it.

    In addition...don't grind.  In college I learned to do all the "sophisticated" dances to meet girls.  Then I ended up teaching swing dance.  The best way to dance is to have a dance you can do, and teach, well.  It gives you an introduction, it stands you out of the crowd, and it shows that you aren't just the quiet person in the corner.  Give it a shot.  

  7. no.  at the dance, make eye contact with a guy you like, if he's receptive, go up, talk to him, ask him to dance, whatever.

  8. Haha I'm 15 and I'm just like you! No kiss no bf but i have been asked out 4 times. (3 by the same person)

    Don't feel bad. Being single is good. Your aloud to think a lot of guys are hot and flirt with them with out commitments.

    It's not bad. Don't force yourself to be in a relationship just to be in one. Be in one because its right.


    Good Luck!

  9. I'm a junior in HS and have never dated. It's not weird or bad, and it's safer. Save dating for college. Also, you won't(or shouldn't) have a broken heart until college. :)

  10. Don't worry about it.  Most boys your age aren't as mature as you yet anyway, and the ones that are at your maturity level are at least a couple years older and wouldn't be caught dead with a 'kid'.  It's a tough time, but it will get better.  

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