
Is it because gun nuts grew up watching westerns,that they are about as logical about guns as people are about

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religion? Aren't all the illogical arguments about the virtues of a gun just another ridiculous religion perpetuated by people barely above the moron level?




  1. Reading your question, and then reading the responded answers, first makes me wonder where any of you lives?  Deep city?  I was born and raised on a ranch in southwestern Montana, I grew up with guns, I know how to use them, how to clean them, and what not to do with them, but I was taught the same thing about motorized equipment, and may other instances of things that could hurt you or others if used improperly!  Here we use guns, to protect our lively hoods or our crops if you prefer.....wolf or bear eating your herd of cattle, sheep, or horses, you shoot em', you use your weapon to be merciful, your beloved horse breaks their leg, you shoot em',   a real person does not pull a gun on another person unless their home, family  or self is threatened, if they are going to rape, rob, kidnap, or kill you, you shoot em'.  Even in this century, crime is there and you gotta deal with it.  Watching westerns..........does not promote guns, any more than watching porno promotes unsafe s*x, beyond that what does religion have to do with any of this?  Baby, stop and smell the flowers, in other words, get out of the house more, like perhaps the library!  Just a certainly as there are zealots  for guns, religions, there are zealots for and against trees, cars, dirt, common human trait, take a issue to extremes, don't stop and be logical, just take it all to the edge, then call it a day coz' you got your moment to rank and rave about something you know little about!    Why not discuss crime and punishment in America?

  2. Having a gun is for many things for instance protecting yourself against a tyrannical government. It is in the constitution.

    Also, all of the school yard shoot 'em ups happened in so-called 'gun free schools zones' so go figure that one out.

  3. I'm assuming the first two answerers are morons who are in love with their guns...

    I think it's because they feel like guns make them a "real" man.

    It doesn't.

  4. yer stoopid

  5. SS your giving him credit I would say well below

  6. What never ceases to amaze me is how people gripe and gripe about guns, when more people are killed by drunk drivers every year.  I wonder how many of these anti-gun fools have driven home from the bar when they probably shouldn't have.  Before we get rid of guns, we need to get rid of bars, and not allow restaurants to serve alcohol (Not really, but it's the same kind of "logic").

  7. Nowhere in this country or any country for that matter can the police guarantee your safety and well being. No where.

    If someone breaks into your home while you are there, you have very few options. First option is stay there and be a victim, which might cost you or a loved one their life. second option is to flee, but again, you or a loved one might end up dead. Third option is fight back. Hopefully you are armed. If you are not armed, best of luck. I exercise the 4th option. I have a gun and I will offer the intruder the option to turn around and leave. My biggest concern is for my family's safety and general safety for all, including the intruder. But if he makes a move to harm someone in my home, then he goes down. And western movies have nothing to do with it. Its that the cops cannot guarantee my safety, or those of my home.

    All the killings that have taken place in schools and malls have taken place in gun free zones. And the killers knew that.

  8. well iguess you could compare the 2.heritics are everywhere.lunatics are breed here in the u.s.

  9. you appear to be just below the moron level

  10. I am not sure what you are getting at here.  Many people grew up watching westerns and are not even interested in guns.  I watched westerns growing up (still do) and I know the pros and cons of gun ownership.  I consider myself above the moron level. Are you against all guns?

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