
Is it becoming socially acceptable to make fun of fat people?

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Just as people heckle smokers by saying "that's bad for you" has it become socially acceptable to make fun of fat people because being fat is unhealthy? I find more and more people making fun of the over weight. what's your opinion of this?




  1. I don't think that it's okay to put people down like that. Just because it becomes acceptable doesn't mean that it's right. People who insult overweight people don't realize how offensive it can really be to them.

    I know a lot of overweight people who are perfectly secure, but not everyone is.

  2. The overweight are certainly given more respect in our society than smokers. As a smoker, I deal with comments every day such as "that's bad for you" and "you're going to die," and although most of these comments come from strangers, it has become the norm. I don't see how that's really different from saying the same things to an obese person who is eating a Big Mac or fried chicken...  yet most people would seem to think that the former is okay, and the latter is not. What's the difference?

    Overall, I think it has become *less* socially acceptable to make fun of the overweight, as obesity is finally being given more attention as a serious health issue.

  3. This could be true, but I hope not!  I live in the U.S.  Here there are more "healthy" people, than not!  We have an epidemic of overweight people, including myself.  I recently read in an answer that someone said, when they see someone overweight, they automatically assume, they are Americans.  That hit home, big time!

    I am now on a diet! :D

  4. It seems it has always been acceptable to make fun of fat's not new.  People do it all in the name of good health when in fact they just can't stand looking at fat people.

  5. I dunno I don't really have this problem.

    I do not think that it is socially acceptable to make fun of 'fat' people. Saying that 'smoking is bad for you' is not making fun of smokers but merely letting the person know that it is bad for them

    Also, there is a difference between fat and unhealthy. You can be the thinnest person in the world be still be unhealthy

  6. Not really.  Interestingly enough, people who make of fat people are usually not in great shape themselves.  Sounds like the pot calling the kettle black.

  7. The media is putting more emphasis on obese people, especially children, and how bad it is for you health to be overweight. I think people who are obese are getting more attention..hence..more ridicule.

  8. Absolutely not.  Not all people are fat because they overeat.  There are some people who are overweight because of medication of medical reasons.  I wish sometimes that people would step in others shoes before they even think about making any type of rude remark, be it a fat joke, or ugly joke or stupid joke.  Most of the time the person that makes the "remark" is miserable, unhappy and is just doing it to "act out" and try to get attention in a very negative and ugly way anyways.

    Peace & Love :)

  9. I think it is completely despicable to insult people who are overweight. Many people, unfortunately, have medical issues that cause obesity such as hypothyroidism, and it does not help them in their struggle to lose weight when people humiliate them by commenting on there need to be thinner.

  10. I can see that you got this question from "Supersize Me", but it is a great question since it deals with our society in general. Course people are going to make fun of fat people as much as they will with smokers. Anything that is abnormal to social norms will receive criticism. The social norms of today's society put smoking in a more negative light than before due to advertisements, the same with being over weight. We see models in the magazines, the weight loss programs all over the television commercials, etc. With the advent of many encouragements to shed a few pounds, you'd be a social out cast to not follow the fad of the current generation. So, the answer to your question will be yes, it is becoming more socially acceptable to heckle fat people the way we heckle smokers. In fact, I guarantee that when most people pass someone who is abnormally wide that there will be whispering and laughing going around.

  11. It is not socially acceptable to make fun of anyone.

  12. they should lose the weight if they don't like it. very few people actually have a medical condition that make them fat. most just use that as an excuse to eat 5 mcdonalds cheeseburgers

  13. No! and trying to tell someone smoking is bad is not being mean or heckling them as you call it.  geez you should never pick on anyone didn't your mom teach you anything?

  14. I am sorry to say that I think it has always been socially acceptable to pick on fat people.  This country has had barbie since the 50's.  I remember Animal House that came out in the 70's where they made fun of flounder the overweight fraternity brother.

    Using the health risks to make fun of fat people is just another way to add to bad habit.

    Maybe some day we can have a society with out bullying.  But I am not holding my breath.  In the mean time I think it is important to stick up for what you believe in.

  15. hi, the answer to your question is no, its not good to make fun  of any one for any reason. just put your self in there shoes, what if it was you like that,that is not what life is all about, that one pearson might wind up being the one and only true friend you have,use your heart and use common since, just think what if this was me..... good luck in life..

  16. I have seen an increase in this behavior and I find it disgusting. People who ridicule and make fun of other people are in fact losers in their own right. The ridicule causes more problems than it solves and it is very immature behavior.

  17. Fat jokes have always been around since the turn of the century.

    I personally do not think that saying "That's bad for you/That's unhealthy" to smokers is socially unacceptable. However, I agree that saying that to smokers is a major faux pas, since its their choice to smoke, and they have the right to do it without being told that its bad for them.

    But most people can't help being overweight. Making fun of them is like making fun of a r****d -- that is not acceptable in any way.

  18. making fun of fat people is fine because its all their fault and they deserve teasing muhahahahaha okay that was a little harsh but its completely okay to heckle fatties

  19. it's becoming socially acceptable to do what ever you want with no guilt tied in....a shame really.

  20. why is it socially acceptable to be obese?  Just because it's common doesn't mean it should be accepted.  It's NOT HEALTHY.  I don't think people should make fun... but it disgusts me when people are outrageously overweight.  Or even when I see girls' fat rolls hanging out of their shirts, and they think they're hot.

  21. Compulsive overeating is an eating disorder just like anorexia and bulimia are disorders. Yet, I find that people will make fun of fat people and feel sorry for super skinny people.

    They think fat people are merely lazy while the super skinnies are mentally off and should be pitied. Both weight extremes are unhealthy so I doubt that it is about health. It is a puzzling double standard and probably due to the stick thin TV and movie personalities being idolized to such a ridiculous degree.

  22. I think it shouldn't be acceptable bc when you make fun of something it makes it more acceptable to be what you are making fun of. Obesity is a major problem and fat people should not feel ok with themselves.

  23. uhh..... i think the fat people should make fun of the thin people cuz the majority of the U.S is fat lol [oh and i would give the first answerer here a thumbs down, but im on level 1 lol!]   ITS NOT SOCIALLY ACCEPTABLE TO MAKE FUN OF ANYONE!!!!!

  24. Its rude and lowers self esteem. There are other ways of motivating people besides making fun of them.

  25. I actually find it is the other way around.  That it is becoming taboo to make fun of fat people.  I personally find it fun to hate on certain fat people, the ones that think it is normal to be fat.  I hate the idea that fat is normal, and that fit is abnormal.

  26. i dont think anyone should make fun of anyone.mabye some fat people like being fat. and mabye some people think its attractive. everyone has their own opinion! we shouldnt judge anyone on their appearances

  27. I think it is very inappropriate.  I don't understand why people would even think it is acceptable to make fun of fat people.  There are a lot of reasons that people can be overweight other than just eating too much.  Genetics, diabetes, medications for depression that cause weight gain.  People need to stop thinking that they are so wonderful that it is their place to make fun of other people for ANY reason.

  28. i agree with you. it seems society always has to make someone the underdog, or put someone down.

    It is getting less cool to make fun of race or g**s so focus is going to people of size.

    Humans have such little minds..........  aarrgg.

  29. No it is not socailly acceptable.  People who smoke choose to do it - they know it's bad for them.  But it's no more okay to poke fun at fat people than it is to make fun of ugly people or retarted people.  It's just a common courtesy.

  30. This is a ridiculous question.

    Such vain and superficial people.

    Do not make fun of anyone. Simple.

  31. no i think its not socially acceptable, its just people who are skinny and have a six pack, when a six pack just shows how skinny and low you fat % is and doctors are now  saying that it is healthier to have like 15-20% body fat when you need like 10-15% body fat to have a six pack. Lastly people make fun of fat people to make them lower and so the feel like they're better than someone else in the world.

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