
Is it beginning signs of hyperactivity?

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Our 3 year old daughter sometimes throws fits and can't seem to control herself. Running around, getting into everything, won't listen, gets mad and cries, throws herself on the floor, arches her head back so you can't pick her up. It's like she is hyperactive and can't stop. It's worse when she is in the store, and wants something and gets so upset it doesnt even matter if you buy it for her or not. She just goes crazy, cries, throws herself on the floor, and you have to carry her out. When she does have her fits, no displine can get through. She seems to be out of it (even to herself). However, she comes out of the fits usually within a short time. I wonder if this behavior is the early signs of a hyperactive child?




  1. No this sounds more like a discipline problem. When she acts that way you need to force her into time out, (stand over her making her face the wall and let her kick and scream as much as she want until she finally stops. When she stops she has to sit there for 3 mins with out getting up) or ignore her until she stops. You have to find a way to punish her for such bad behavior. Even people with ADHD or ADD can be taught not to act out like that. But there needs to be structure and rules that are followed to a T.

  2. Sounds to me like someone needs to be more consistent with discipline.  This does NOT sound like ADHD.  My step son has ADHD and ODD.  This sounds like a three year old throwing a tantrum because she knows she will get what she wants in the end.

  3. If your child were hyperactive, you'd have known in the first month. Read something about tantrums, pick a way to handle them, and quit worrying. As long as she doesn't get what she wants, she doesn't have any reason to go on with this. Eventually she'll quit and learn a better way to deal with her frustration.

  4. lol, this is ADHD. i have it. when i was a little kid i was the same way. go to the docter and ask about aderall. im on 60 mill grams of it. im as calm as a sleeping cat.

  5. Let me tell you, these people that think they know all about adhd and add and odd,well by the way they talk they must not because I have 4 children that are adhd/add and odd and bipolar and all been tested by specialist. It sounds as if your child has adhd and odd because when a child has this no matter how much you discipline them or punish them in any way or ground them is it going to make a flat bet of difference to them because for one they can not at all control what they do or how they act or what they say and yes the best thing you can do is put them on medication and mine are all on CONCERTA and I believe it is the best one out there because it still lets them be kids. Kids that are like this can not control nothing not even when they get older, would you rather put your child on meds or see that child later on in the years make the wrong decisions for her self and take drug's and go wild and end up in jail because she couldn't make the right decision because she couldn't focus right, believe me I have seen it a million times over and over because all these parents think that they can out do these brains of these kids that have this, they think they have more power some how to teach a child that can't even focus in the first place to make the right choice and do good in school and a beaten across the butt and discipline or grounded, thats funny because you can't and it ain't going to make a difference at all to these kids that have this, they will not even remember what they did 5 minutes after they did something wrong and that is a proven fact. my 10 year old and my 13 year old nephew has it the worse if they do not have their meds they are very dangerous, not doing things that are dangerous but they will beat the living c**p out of you and tear the whole house down in a second time, and calling the cops, huh thats funny, my 4 and half year old is just like yours right know but if you don't have him on meds he is just impossiable,noone can handle him. Kids that have this,need their medication to live a normal proper life and future so they can be successful and live happily. I am experienced with this stuff for a very long time and your daughter need concerta, you will be doing the best thing for her and you will see a change and you will see her right off the bat. if you need anything else at all please feel free to email me.

  6. no it is not a sign of is a sign of temper tantrums

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