
Is it believable enough ? ? ?

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is Nostradamus's prediction of the end of the world in 2012 accurate enough to believe ?




  1. No, no and no.

  2. nope.

    in my religion. the muslim religion. we have the Holy Qur'ran. which is like the bible.

    in it. it says that the end of world is after WW III. world war 3 didnt occur yet and probally wont if we have and vote for good presidents. not retards like Bush. ANYWAYSZZ. it also says the world will end when the world doubles. so. double is 2. 2 THOUSAND. so thats why people thought the world was going to end near December 1999. but what they didnt know  was that it doesnt go in the American calendar. the MUSLIM or ISLAMIC calendar. the year 2000 in the ISLAMIC calendar isnt for a few 100 000 maybe millions of years from now.

    the world isnt going to end soon.  

  3. The Mayan calender also predicts this.  The calender ends on December 21st, 2012.  The world is supposed to end or something major is supposed to happen to affect the world.  Who knows what s true.  Let's hope no one is right.

  4. Well I don't know how he came up with his prediction so I would say no.

  5. The thing about Nostradamus is many 'prophecies' can be attributed to different events.  It's all how they're presented by the person 'translating' the prophecy.

  6. No, however with all the predictions between him and the Bible I am willing to say that prophicies are pointing at the next few years being the beginning of the end. Ive done plenty of research on all the prophices by him and many others and the outcome looks grim but that doesnt mean we should focus on it. If it is then live love and enjoy now, not sit around worrying !

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