
Is it best to bite one's tongue at work when you work with a large number of people all ages & nationalities?

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Not only do I bite my tongue with temps who claim "What can they do fire me?" when they say mean and insulting things but I tell coworkers that I bite my tongue. Is this good strategy in an educational office work environment?




  1. If its discriminating then yes, otherwise your HR's worst nightmare

  2. yes - keep your mouth shut.  I have learned this the hard way.  keep your mind on your work.

    however, if someone is actually insults you - you do NOT have to put up with that.  you might say politely "I would really prefer to keep my mind on my work and would appreciate if you keep your comments to yourself" etc.  

    if that does not work - document what is said, the date, how you felt, and what you did.

    then if it continues - go directly to your supervisor and say exactly what was said and show them the documented behavior.

    this is not legal in the workplace.

    but first say what I suggested above, keep your mind on your work, and hope for the best so that you don't look like the trouble maker.

  3. Absolutely!  You weren't hired for your personal opinion (unless your tv analyst on the evening news...)

    Learn quickly who you can trust, rely on and work the best with.  Seek out only positive, productive coworker and enable success, rather than failure.  

    Gravitate away from negativity - yes this means leaving the room when the conversation "turns south", disassociating yourself with rumourmongers, and putting some distance in less productive employees.  

    Be professional, be productive, be polite.  Let everyone else look like slugs, get yourself promoted!

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