
Is it best to claim a one or zero on my w4 form?

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I'm a 22 year old college student who just started a new full time job. I make $730 before taxes a week. My dad still claims me as a dependent however. I was wondering is it better to claim a zero or a one for taxe purposes? Which will keep me from having to owe money?




  1. 0, you get a bit less but you can get that money back next year.  Keep it at zero unless you have a lot of deductions otherwise you will end up owing every darn time!

    Dad can only claim you one more year.. 23 is the limit.

  2. In your case, claim zero as long as you can be claimed as a dependent.  Switch to 1 (or possibly 2) once you graduate and are out on your own.

  3. Since you are working and you make more than $3,000 dollars in the year 2008 - you will need to file taxes and it is likely you will get most of it back.

    Personally, I would claim Zero.  And, if you are single, it will be single/zero - this should assure you do not owe any money.

  4. Zero if you want a refund.

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