
Is it betrayel if someone lies male or female about their past (virginity) in a serious relationship ?

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if the person wants the truth




  1. I don't think so.

    Their past is their business.

  2. No

  3. If a person wants to keep certain information to themselves especially something private which is no one else's business - sorry, being the partner does not give you rights to everything - they have every right to keep it to themselves.  Its not betrayal.  It would be a betrayal of self to give information out that you wish to keep private.  

  4. yea u should be honest

  5. Yes. If you lie you lie to them. What else would you lie about to cover something up later. Be honest about everything in a relationship.

  6. Really does it matter. People are having s*x at younger ages these days, I doubt there are that many that wait until there 20's. If so I don't know them.

  7. yes it is betrayel if it is a serious relationship your bf or gf should know what happened in the past in your life  

  8. well it can be hurtful to the person that got lied to I don't think its as extreme as betrayal though that is like cheating on the other person

    the male or female probably felt embarrassed about their past like maybe they thought the other person wouldn't like them unless they said that they were/were not a virgin.

    it is a break in trust though because then the person questions what else that person told them

    but virginity is personal and a choice so no one should be judged on if they lost it or not or doesn't want to share if they are or not

    In a serious relationship it should be open and honest and the two people should talk about the issue reasonably and with understanding

    if you love the person it shouldn't matter about their past what's done is done  Their past brought them to the point where they met the other person and both should move on and make the present and the future special I hope this helps and I wish you the best  

  9. Some things are best left unsaid and unknown.Telling the truth about ones sexual experience in the past more than likely will cause the other more pain than good so by lieing about it really one is saving the other from unnecessary pain. Not only that if the person asking finds out that the other had s*x before more than likely they will end up throwing it in the others face all the time.

    In reality that isn't something one should be asking of the other anyway. If you love a person it shouldn't matter what they have done in the past since you are supposed to fall in love with someone for who they are not for what they do in bed or did in bed..  

  10. If someone asks a question, obviously they want the truth.  Any lie in response to any question, therefore, is a betrayal.  Of course, some lies are more serious than others, in terms of significance and consequence.  And it is human nature to lie when put on the spot, when the  truth does not align with the answer hoped for.  Especially if the truthful answer involves embarrassing oneself.

    It is often wise simply not to answer.

    It is often even wiser not to ask.

  11. BETRAYEL? No. There are worst things people can lie about. But should they tell you the truth? Sure.

  12. to some point it is, u should just tell them and let them know what to expect or prepare for  

  13. If a person is asked an honest question they should respond with the truth or they would be a liar.  That is in turn a betrayal.

  14. losing virginity is no news! nofing is so special it's advisable to tell d truth abt d past, of course everybody has 1 or 2 to tel!..

  15. I wouldn't call it betrayal, but it IS horrible. They obviously don't trust you enough, and if they're afraid that you will think bad of them, what about WHEN YOU FOUND OUT THAT THEY LIED.

    It's stupid.

  16. yes i do think its betrayel but then again i dont think you should doubt one another  

  17. depends....

    what doesn't matter is what is WANTED...

    it matters what the person is willing to tell and how much THEY value the truth

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