
Is it better for me to walk or run my dog?

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My parents and I are having a little argument because they feel as if by running with our dog (an Australian shepherd/Border collie mix) he's being worked to hard and think that he should just be walked. Is it better for him just to walk?




  1. Either one is fine, hes getting his exercise, If hes high strung running will help him burn more energy off

  2. you should JOG wiht him for a while... THOSE 3 BREEDS NEED LOTS OF EXCERSISE when he seems to be like tiring out just walk with him for a while and it also depends on how good of shape he is in, if he has any health issues, or how old he is... but he needs lots of excersice or he will develope bad habits

  3. well i have an aussie too. she loves running with me. when i walk her she pulls like crazy wanting to run! and they are herding dogs they are made to run all day after live stock.

  4. You need to start out with walks by all means, then slowly a little faster walks....unless your dog is use to flat out speeds, you do not need to be running first.

    walks, fast pace walks, if the dog then takes to these,then you can step up the pace...

    never start a dog off with full runs, is not good for the dog, till is has been trained and conditioned for runs.

    good luck

    and your parents are correct, slow is best to begin with...every week or so, increase the pace.....but you must see how the dog takes to the speed before increasing a lot.

  5. if your dog is in good health and not too old running should be good exercise.  both Aussies and Border Collies are herding dogs that are bred for high activity levels.  make sure to ask your vet if your dog's health is ok for these activities and be sure to take your climate into consideration.  

  6. Run that dog all you can!!

    Shepher/Border Collie?  They need all the aerobic exercise they can get.

    They are lucky to have you !!

  7. It depends on how old he is, and also what kind of surface he's running on.   Puppies should not be run long distances, as it causes stress to their growing bones & joints.  

    If you're running him on the pavement , sidewalk, etc, it may injure his pads and also cause damage to his joints in the long run.

    If you're running with a grown dog on a dirt or grass trail, it is great exercise for that breed mix--they have a lot of energy to expend!

  8. it is healthy to do both, a dog that is healthy should be able to run, and it will keep his muscles toned, an unhealthy dog will nto be able to run, and she be worked up slowly

  9. Well when you run always carry a water bottle for your dog. Run short distances with your dog, drop him/her off at the house and then run some more yourself.

    About the Water Bottle, After about 1/2 mile of running, give your doggie a drink. Then walk 1/2 a mile, give your doggie a drink, then run, etc.

    If your dog is obese /and/or/ is not used to this type of workout, start with small distances.

    Considering the breed, it should be able to go a fair distance.

    If your dog is totally tired and falls right to sleep, shorten the distance.


  10. It is better for him to do BOTH! He needs to run occasionally (It wont be too hard for him, that is how he learns), and he needs to take a rest sometimes and walk.. So the answer to your question... BOTH

    EDIT: By running, you will build up his stamina, and these breeds especially need a lot of excersize. By walking him, you give him the energy to run some more. Dont worry, he can do both.

    EDIT: It is best to start out slow, then build up the confidence to go a little faster everyday.

  11. its really hot where we live:i don't know about the weather where you live:your dog can easily overheat(dogs cant sweat)

    If you run/jog with him, do it early in the morning or after 7-8pm.

    the pavement/sidewalk gets really hot:you wear sneakers, the dog is "barefoot".

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