
Is it better or worse?

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to get your wisdom teeth out all at once? i have very weak teeth enamel so i have cavities on my wisdom teeth and my dentist says why waste her and my time and just get them taken out. which was the plan anyways so i can get braces soon. by the way its sad but im almost 20. :( but any ways which is better all at once oh maybe two at a time? Any advice????




  1. I speak from experience.  Get them done all at once & pay the extra to be sedated.  By the way, don't feel bad about having them removed at such a young age.  This is common, my dentist explained to me most people can't properly brush wisdom teeth because they are so far back your jaw bone gets in the way.

  2. Hi Chuckles,

    Get all 4 done at the same time. Also, don't feel bad that you are getting those taken out at an early age. Here are reasons why you should get all of the wisdom teeth taken out soon :

    1. When you are young, your bone is more spongy (flexible). So, it is easier to get those teeth out. As you age, the bones become more dense and non-elastic, making the extractions difficult.

    2. So, with difficult extractions, the healing may get delayed.

    3. Again, as you age, as a routine the healing takes longer. Also, you may end up having other medical conditions (like Diabetes) that interfere with proper and quick healing.

    4. No matter how expert the oral surgeon / dentist is, these extractions are not easy to do. So, it will be traumatic. So, might as well go through the procedure only once and allow the healing to take place in all 4 areas all at once.

    5. The sooner you get these taken out, the sooner you can get started with the orthdontic treatment.

    6. The longer you hold on to those wisdom teeth, the more you will have the risk of developing painful inflammation (Pericoronitis) around those teeth.

    7. Wisdom teeth always have a tendency to push the rest of the teeth towards the front as those try to erupt. As a result, sometimes when you wait too long, your teeth (especially, the bottom front teeth) get crooked. For the same reason, if you have only one side done for the time being and then wait a long time for the other side, there can be a risk of the midline shifting. Most of the time that is what happens because you think about the traumatic experience and never go back for the other side. So, the best decision is to get those taken out all at once, since that is the best course of treatment for you.

    8. Most of the time the general dentist ends up referring you to an oral surgeon for those extractions because as I explained, you should get all of those taken out at the same time. Since the general dentist would do it only under local anesthesia, that makes it a little problematic. Multiple carpules of local anesthetic have to be administered in order to anesthetize each area. So, you are talking about 4 times the amount. The dentist has to take caution as to not overdose you with the anesthetic at any given time. The oral surgeon can minimize the risk by combining the different types of anesthetics.

    9. If you are getting the extractions done by your oral surgeon, you will most probably need the following :

    i) a referral by your primary / general dentist,

    ii) a consultaion on top of the visit for the actual procedure,

    iii) if he does I/V sedation, you will need to bring in somebody with you because you will not be able to drive home on your own.

    iv) the billing for the I/V sedation is usually done under your medical insurance. You don't want to utilize the coverage twice for the same procedure and then have less coverage left for the rest of the year.

    That is why it is better to get everything done in one visit.

    Hope this helped. Good luck !!

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  3. I had two out at once and was eating pizza later that day. If they are not through the gum yet it shouldnt be too bad. If they havent you may want to judge by the threshold you have for pain. You may want to give yourself a couple of days to recover. Good luck!

  4. i got mine out all at once. u dont wana go through the week of pain twice.
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