
Is it better to be a man or to be a woman?

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1. Live longer than men

2. Are smarter

3. Are prettier.

4. Are usually more educated.

5. Have less physical force than men


1. Live less than women.

2. Are dumber.

3. Are uglier

4. Are usually less educated.

5. Have more physical force than women




  1. I would say their are benefits to being both and you were just being mean.  There are more benefits to being a man then being strong.  After all some women change their gender to be men.  If we are ever going to be equal to men we must stop attacking their whole gender.  

    1. Some men out live some women.  Women don't own that one.

    2. Trust me some women are dumber then men; I have met them and read their questions.

    3. Some men are more attractive then some women.

    4. Again some men are more educated then some women. You forgot to mention how some women try to get by on just their looks.  

    5.  Some women are physically stronger then some men.

    So for you its back to the drawing board for a new way of insulting all men.  Due to the fact that one day you may marry a man, give birth to one, adopt one, or be related to one you may want to change your theory.

  2. Yeah... and just remember that you were born thanks to a man. So if it weren't for men, life wouldn't exist.

  3. Neither is better. Your points are based on statisical averages (1,5) or are subjective (2,3,4)

  4. It's better to be a MAN.  We don't have to worry about having a period each month.  Also we don't have to have the pain of carrying a child around for 9 months and then pushing it out; that has to hurt, but it is fun to help make a baby.  It's better to be a MAN.  Remember boys rule and girls drool.

  5. Women are more likely to have diseases like ostheporosis, mamma's cancer....they get pregnant and they have to sit everytime they want to no thanks, i'd rather to be a man.

  6. if society provides a more egalitarian set-up, equity and equality is present then i don't think.... there is a need to choose which s*x is better .... after all.... whatever sexual and gender orientation you want to take-on ... society so need for its sustainance.

  7. I don't believe that you're right because I know some women that are dumber than a box of rocks and there are some men out there that are prettier than some women. My husband is smarter than I am in math and I am smarter than he is in most other subjects (English, spelling, comprehension) but I'd rather be more "street smart" opposed to "book smart" any day. I think it's better to be me in all of my femaleness.

  8. I think the only things I actually agree with you on are #1 and #5 - statistically #1.  In my opinion, man nor women is better.  I personally love being a woman, but I don't consider myself better than men, or anybody else for that matter.  For example:

    I have met some pretty educated and intelligent men AND women, and I have met some pretty under-educated men and women.

    I have met some attractive and unattractive men and women.  

    I think both genders have it bad sometimes and both have it good sometimes.  

    I also think ALOT has to do with how one is raised, which makes them the person they are today.

  9. I never tallied, I just like being a woman. I dont want what others have.  As for your list on men, perhaps you are projecting.  On behalf of men I am offended and disgusted.  It seems like you are doing them a favor by playing for the other team, though.

  10. a woman who treats all humans and animals with kindness, honesty and equality

  11. Women secrete viscous fluids from various holes in their body; a lot and quite frequently compared to men.  this is rather gross.  so its better to be a man.

  12. Well, it sounds pretty good to be a woman. It is. But then you look at how people are sexist. So that changes a lot.

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