
Is it better to be a woman than to be a man?

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Is it better to be a woman than to be a man?




  1. IMO, no.  Men have it easier than women do.

  2. Biologically speaking I would say it was better to be a man, because they don't go through childbirth, menstruate and are stronger/faster.  But I guess the experience of motherhood could be something desired by men.

    In society both have thier benefits:

    men get paid more, hold higher position (generally), are more respected and don't get as much sexist opinions/remarks (not sure how to word that, but like when female politicians are called who***).

    women don't get teased as much growing up, are allowed to more freely express their emotions, can illustrate thier views more easily in society without being called sexist, politically probably have more rights than men, can be a stay at home spouse or live off other without as much criticism and some still benefit from old views of men doing stuff first (ex. proposing, asking out, paying for dinner etc.).  

    In general I would say that it depends on the person.  If you are athletic and generally communicate through body language instead of boiling it up, then I would say you would like being a man better.  If you like style and academics and express yourself more vocally I would say being a women is better for you.  Dunno, just an opinion.

  3. i wouldn't know since i have never been a man and it seems i never will be one, so i can't judge upon something i have never experianced.

  4. I like being a guy, babies and periods would just freak me out.

  5. Men don't bleed every 28 days.  Men don't smell like tuna casserole "down there".  Men don't have to carry a child for 9 months.  Men don't feel compelled to gossip about everyone.  Men don't clip coupons and burn 5 dollars in gas to save 50 cents at another grocery store.  Men don't subject themselves to mind-numbing "reality" shows and Lifetime channel programming.  God created man first.  I'm glad I'm a man.

  6. What's interesting is that this would have been considered a ridiculous question 40 years ago, but today, we really have to consider just how great women have it.

  7. Both genders have there advantages and disadvantages....whether life would be easier as one s*x or another...depends upon the individual.  As that isn't a easy change to make.  Better to just be happy as you are.

  8. No you get you period :)

  9. It's better to just play with the cards you're dealt.

  10. I don't know.  I have never had the faintest desire to be a man, and cannot feel that it would suit me at all, but I don't think that's because being a woman is better, but just because a woman is what I am and I see no need to change.

  11. It's easier to be a woman because they don't get arrested if their parterns hit them or vice versa,

    they are looking for cure for women's illnesses,

    women get to do whatever they want without problems with the law

  12. Man. Cause you can pee standing up just about anywhere.

    Now THAT is freedom.

  13. Is it better to be a maple tree or an oak tree?

    Respectfully, your question doesn't make sense.

  14. Depends

  15. I'm happy being female.  It sucks in a lot of ways - for example, finding simple, practical clothes that are pretty much the same all year round and don't come in ridiculous colors - but I wouldn't trade it for something I'm not.

  16. Both male and female genders have masculine and feminine qualities in which both are unique and I believe cannot be compared to one another. If we believe that feminism seeks equality in all genders, and each male and female can strive to be the best in each other than you really cannot make a valid comparison in either men and women.

    There is no job or task that a man or woman can perform equally. Sure some men may be stronger than a women, but if a women strives to be stronger than a man, then she could out perform some men in strength herself.

    Some men are afraid of their sexuality, and doing even the smallest "feminine" task would cause they to shrieks away while other men would not pull away and perform the same feminine task.

    There is nothing stopping men and women from wearing the same clothes, cosmetics, hair styles, or even shoes, it's just how men and women were brought up when they were very young and adapted to their surroundings and decided for themselves what is "masculine" and "feminine" and what  personality they were born with.

    Two paternal twins being born the same day as boys, one could have the personality as a girl, the other twin born with his own personality as a boy and both grown up as boys or one "feminine" boy and one masculine boy. (This is a true case I have seen on 20/20) Maybe something happens in the mother's womb that causes one of the twins to have more xx chromosomes than the other.

    So, to answer this question, neither one is better than the other.

  17. Only transsexuals know for certain.

  18. Women have better oppurtunities in life,  so its easier to get by in a world driven by money.

  19. It's usually a trade off , but some want to "even the feild". I believe this puts both sides at a disadvantage.

    Gun to my head , I'd say women have it better.

  20. In a developed, secularly governed country, it is better to be a woman because women have more social freedom.

    In an under-developed country it is better to be a man, because men suffer less from under-development.

    In a theocracy, it is better to be a man because most religions view women as dangerous and impure.

  21. If your gender is female, it's better for your s*x to be female.

    If your gender is male, it's better for your s*x to be male.

    If your gender is uncertain, then it sucks to be you :(

  22. I couldn't imagine being anything other than a man.  However, looking at it from a different perspective____

    This would all depend on each individual and what they want out of life.  A woman can have a man take charge of everything therefore making her life easier.  But a woman in construction or law enforcement would constantly have to prove herself.  Not that I believe that way.  Women basically have to be more prim and proper.  A man can be a slob.  So add more pro's and con's and you'll see it's an individual thing.

    Sorry I couldn't be more specific.

  23. Better to be a man. Muscles, power, "superiority", no child bearing, periods I could go on and on and on and on who could beat that.

    Ask the women from the Rwanda and Congo situation this question.

    By the way this is like saying is it better to white or black. What do you think.

  24. A man........cause they can't have babies.....

  25. I don't think there's a better or worse to being either gender.  It simply is what it is.

  26. Yes. Being a woman is great. You can do pretty much everything that a man does, dress like a man if you want to but can do girly things as well. Also, men still like to look after you (sometimes).

  27. Man, I f i was a man it would be more social acceptable for me to have s*x. If I was a guy I would do it until nuts go numb.    :-D

  28. you will never know!that is a question only Transsexuals know the answer to!You will never know because you will have to get a s*x change to know that!

  29. My personal opinion a woman because if a woman commits a murder the sentence is much lighter if a man does the same criminal act.  Which is a double standard in our culture.

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