
Is it better to be stressed or bored with a job?

by  |  earlier

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If those were your choices with everything else being equal (pay, commute, coworkers etc.) what would you pick. I have quit or turned down jobs that were one or the other. How about you?




  1. Stressed. It challenges you & makes you a better individual for putting up w/ & rising to the task.

    You shouldn't work in a stressful environment for too long--6 to 8 months at best unless you want die prematurely or murder someone in a violent rage.

    It will get your adrenaline pumping, and bring you a lot of quick $$$ if your in the right field, but don't make a career out of it.

  2. I would much rather be bored than stressed. Stress is hard on your health...boredom isn't.

  3. It's hard to choose. I'm a medical assistant at a research clinic and there are days when it's stressful. Balancing between 3-4 patients or more with what they need for example: blood drawn, ekg, 1-3 blood pressure readings or more depending under which study they are on like obesity,insomnia etc. On top of it all, 90% of the time it's just me in that lab. So I'm running around like a chicken with it's head cut off who doesn't even get to eat sometimes till I get home.

    But they are days when it gets really boring and I'm sitting around for 2 hours till a patient comes in and it's just blood pressure and weight. And then I wait around some more. Like what's going on right now. It makes the day drag on forever.

    But I'm okay with it. I can be stressed and bored with this job. That's why I haven't quit. Good thing it's not one or the other.

    The last job I had (in a booth at a mall) I was bored every single day. It was depressing. I only stayed for 4 months.

    So I think I'd rather be stressed. I like keeping my mind busy anyway.

    Those who prefer being bored are probably lazy in my opinion.

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