
Is it better to be the younger or older sibling?

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please write your opinion and if you are the oldest, youngest, middle, or only child.




  1. Every sibling has issues. I have three daughters and they all had to deal with getting along with each other and figuring out who they were. The oldest has all the responsibilities and is expected to do well in every given situation. The middle child, of course, has middle child syndrome, struggles with her identity, and doesn't know where she fits in. The youngest will always be the baby in the family, is talented, and has no sense of financial obligations. They're all wonderful in their own way, but each child has something to contend with. In my opinion, it's probably easier to be the oldest.

  2. it depends on the situation. some families its better to be one, some its better the other. it also depends on the person, and their views.

    personally, Im a middle child and I hate it, so of cousre Im gunna say Id rather be youngest or oldest.

    but then there are youngest and oldest children saying they want to be middle.

    honestly, I dont even know which is best.

    I couldnt decide.

  3. I am the oldest of 4.

    Being the younger one is definitely better. Preferably the youngest.  

  4. The oldest child is like the model something that both the middle child and youngest child must follow. That means the oldest child has to be perfect. The middle child gets less focus and is mostly ignored and the youngest (the last child) would probably get the most love. So I would prefer being the younger child because it's less pressure.

  5. i was the youngest and it seems you get off the hook from being in trouble easier, rather than being the oldest, they get a harder time with parents in my opinion.

  6. Either your oldest, youngest, mid or any child still its better.  Still have to be a god gearing heart, a lovable, respectful, etc child of your parents.  It doesn't matter your older or youngest as long you will do the righteousness and love your family that's matter.

  7. oldest is worst b cuz ur a test run. u cant do anything!

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