
Is it better to beat your neighbour with your fists or you wit?

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If it helps I'm a bit thick but I have two hands.




  1. What s*x is your neighbour?

  2. I'd have to say wit, they don't put you in jail for assault when you use wit.  Of course if your neighbor is not the brightest he will miss the attack but that makes it all the funnier.

  3. Personally I prefer a whip and chains... kinky!

  4. Yea it shows by the question you ask. Always by wit. Your neighbor wont know what hit him. He probably knows that your are thick so he wants you to make the mistake first so that he can get you. Don't play into his hand. Show him who's the better man...Thick or not!!!

  5. Your wits it's so much more happier.

  6. It is definately best with wit and more wiser - did you see Coronation Steet tonight? Eileen did a cracker with Gail. (Apologies for the example if you are in the USA)

  7. Wit.  Love your picture

  8. Do it with kindness, that way everybody wins but only you truely know it.

  9. Wit. Mermorise quotes and big words

  10. Baseball bat!

  11. wit counts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Most definitely with your wit!

  13. watch out for karma..... .. she is a real 8itch.....

    so be nice

  14. Your fists - use them to build a Very High Fence.

    Or plant Leylandii.   Mwuhahahaha.

  15. You got me earlier with your wit and it pissed me off, but im pleased with my reply ( sorry i called you love, assumed you were a woman for some reason). Violence isnt the answer, not just because it hurts but it goes on and on and degenerates your persona. it should only be used for self defence. Only a fool resorts to violence as a means of saving face. Think the war is going to stop anytime soon?  Even using your wit is isnt always the answer....when your witty, theres always someone whos more so waitng right round the corner

  16. hi

    Wit implies intellectual keenness and the ability to perceive and express in a diverting way analogies between dissimilar things: "Wit has truth in it; "

    such person feel it for long time  than

    if u hit with fists .

    but why to beat him ,is beating only the solution.think a while.

  17. No one deserves to be beaten so learn to get along with them.

  18. Which of the two alternatives would you prefer being subjected to?


  19. Fist

    Wit is effective only if he has some kind of intellect

    Fist works for both the intellectual and also the dumbass.

  20. I think you have the wrong attitude.  Being kind to those who hurt you.  When both people win, both profit.

  21. wit is much more appealing but being kind  is always the better path.

  22. Beat your neighbor with your fists. Beating him/her with your wit only leads to permanent ill feeling and a desire to get revenge. On the other hand with a good solid thrashing he/she will respect you.

  23. with your wit my neighbour used to annoy me on purpose so when they went out i put superglue in their key hole. i feel bad now and i wanted to apologise but then they would know it was me and now they have moved ( a few years after the superglue episode)

  24. Wondering what has your neighbour done to upset you.  If you retaliate you will fall to his/her/their level.  As you have mentioned wit.. then you have got something they haven't... intelligence!!!

    Use your mind.  Think things through and try to relax.. bad karma always comes to those who hurt someone else for no reason.  

    I hope it all gets resolved.  All the best now.

  25. Wit is much better! It shows that you are an evolved person, if you can rise above someone else's ignorance.  Also if you use your fists, you could go to jail, and is this person really worth going to jail.  Beat up your pillow! Try to ignore your neighbor if possible.  It is hard for someone to keep bugging you if you ignore them.  If all else fails throw a Voodoocurse on them, as long as you are justified or Karma will bite you too.

  26. Why beat your neighbour at all?  I quite like mine.

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