
Is it better to breath out your mouth or your there any breathing techniques?

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some people tell me itz better to breath out your nose and some people tell me itz better to breath out your mouth.any suggestions.




  1. I breathe through both. When I'm running hard, I just need air. Keeping your breathing even is best. Breathing, heart rate and pace all fall into a nice rhythm when I run. The first few minutes I'm still working it out, but once I settle into my pace, everything is good.

  2. actually, it's your nose. the hairs in your nose catch pollen, germs, dust, ect. while your mouth doesn't.

    also, breathinng through your nose helps control your breathing, relaxing the body.

    In the winter, breath through your nose to warm the air before it reaches the lungs to prevent freezing the air sacs in your chest.

  3. Just breathe.  Make sure you don't breathe too fast, but do what is comfortable for you.  I breathe in through my mouth and out through my mouth, but I try to control how much air I take in.  Other people like to breathe through their nose, there is no "wrong" way really.

  4. I've played sports my whole life practically - hockey, soccer, basketball and football - every coach and trainer has always told me "in thru the mouth out thru the nose".  It may seem difficult to "learn" in the beginning, but I found it made me concentrate that much more on the task at hand.  I was able to breathe slower, taking in more air with deeper breathes, and exhaling slower so as to not hyperventilate.  AND, no cramps in my side - a definite plus!  My daughter runs track now and her coaches and trainers say the same thing.  With a little concentration in the beginning, you'll be breathing this way all the time and be that much more prepared and ahead of your competition. :)  Good luck.

  5. Just breath in the amount of air necessary to run at the speed you are traveling.

    Most people find it impossible to breath in their nose and get enough air to function.

    Don't worry about counting steps or timing your breaths.

    Just breath.

    Don't pant or gasp take in full, deep breaths.

  6. breathing through your mouth allows you to breath quicker and brings in more oxygen

  7. Endurance runners breath through their mouth.  They do this because more it's possible to take in more air this way.  But really, this is not something that needs to be learned.  Your body will naturally do the right thing.  

    Most people who ask this question seem to do so because they are running too fast, based on their ability or fitness level, when they train.  As a result, they breath too hard and get side stitches or just feel lousy when they run.  The secret of running is to run at the current pace for your ability.  If you do so then you will find that you don't have to breath too hard during most runs.

  8. Ok, some people on here know nothing.

    It's BETTER to breath through your nose. However, it takes a long time for your body to learn how to do this, usually 3-4 years. Maybe even longer. So naturally people breath through their mouth. If you are not young and/or plan on running as an elite then I would say stick with whichever is more natural, which will most likely be breathing through your mouth.

  9. For years, a lot of coaches preached "in through the nose and out through the mouth."

    There's no scientific evidence that this helps you in any way.

    Just breathe.  If you are a mouth breather, so what.  Do what feels right and gives you the oxygen you need.  There's no magic formula.

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