
Is it better to buy new running shoes before a marathon competition?

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I'm going to compete in a running event but want to know if i need to break in the shoes before the race or should i just buy them brand new and use them for the first time during the event?




  1. use some old sneakers; you dont have to break them in and they wil be comfortable for you :)

  2. moern shoes thees days doint need to be broken in that been said  you are doing a marathon  not a 5k  so if you do decide to bye a new pair of shoes  you shoud only bye the same brand and model shoes  as you are using for training now  unless thr race is mounths away   either way   good luck  


    this is what i heard on the discovery channel. lets say you have your favorite pair or running shoes. and they're five years old and pretty worn out and comfortable. even though they feel nice and comfy they are actually doing more harm than good to your body. your body will force sneakers to to mold into your feet that's why some people have sneakers that are worn-out real bad on one side and brand new on the other this means that their weight is not distributed equally through out the feet. for example i slightly distribute my weight on the outer sides of my feet. in my opinion buy some sneakers 2-3 weeks b4 the marathon and jog in them like this you wont feel uncomfortable and they mold a bit to your feet . plus you want to run in style :P

  4. never use new running shoes for the always need to break them in first or you'll be hurting later. I was stupid enough to buy new basketball shoes for basketball camp and my feet got torn up. Running shoes aren't exactly the same but you want them to be worn in and comfortable and that takes time so buy them early or use an old pair.

  5. If you buy new shoe before the marathon be sure to use in for a couple of times before the race. you do not what to experimenting a race, that what training is for. It is a good idea to buy two pairs of a shoe that you know work well with your feet.  Please be sure to use them for a while (about a month before the race to eliminate any surprises that may come up in using them.

    I did this about 6 weeks before I ram my 1:21.08 21k (half marathon [13,1miles]) and it avoid my fro have to run all over town to locate the

  6. I believe most tend to like to have at least 50 miles on a pair of shoes before doing a marathon in them, including at least a couple long runs. You of course don't want hundreds of miles on them either on the other end. If you rotate shoes, you'll generally have at least one pair in acceptable range at any given time.

    You really don't want to do something for the first time in a marathon in particular. I've certainly been aware of some doing marathons straight out of the box on a pair of shoes, but it can be risky.

    Some shoes do certainly need some breaking in, especially for that distance. It's also not at all unusual to find a particular pair annoying despite being a model you're used to -- sometimes it can be just a hair narrower, or the stitching is just slightly different with where it hits your foot, or there was a bad glue job somewhere, they've changed the size laces they include, you name it.

    You really should break them in before the marathon. Some will simply do break-in throughout tapering, but it's ideal to have at least a couple long runs in on a pair. You don't want them surprising you in any major way come race day.

  7. I would suggest you break them in a little. To do this you can do two things;

    -Wear them around the house or to work if you are able for a few hours a day for three weeks before the event. This way you are breaking in the shoes but they will absorb far less sweat than if you were training in them so they are relatively fresh for the main event. This way you are also only wearing away the parts of the shoe that come into contact with your body and not the sole of the shoe which you should try to keep in good condition for the event.

    -Wear them in during your training for one week. This will mean breaking them in under more appropriate conditions but they will absorb more sweat and the soles will also wear slightly.

    Either way is good, just do whatever you feel is best. The only situation in which you would not have to break in a new pair shoes would be if you regularly buy the same shoe and you know what to expect from them.

  8. Never try new things on the day of any race.  Especially marathons.

    Wear your shoes now, and as much as you can before your marathon.

    If you have a bit of time, train in them for the remainder of your training and walk around the house in them too.

    Wearing brand new shoes (even if they are the exactly the same brand/style and size) can have slight differences from your previous pair.  Often running shoes change something, whether it is the stitching, midsole, tongue, fabrics, etc.  That slight change could make some discomfort for your run.  So wear them in case of blisters, if you do get them, you can use body glide to reduce friction.

    Good luck!

  9. break them in first..

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