
Is it better to do graduation before doing commercial pilot course???

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i'm in 12th right nw n want to b commercial pilot in good airlines ... so directly moving to flying school is recommended or sud i cumplete my graduation n den opt for avation course!!! please tell me abt course in detail .. im damm confused!! plsss




  1. i think you do the same subjects for graduation

  2. better go for wat u want to pursue depends on u !!!!

    if u feel graduation is beter den go for it

    its completely ur personal choice

  3. it was told to me that this line has reached the saturation as a couple of years ealier ~ its been high time here... the application to job ratio is too high. u need to consider it again dude... and anytime the govt. may pass a law that only grads will be given CPL ~ then u would be wasting a huge amount of money and shatter all your self confidence. research before u make ur move ~ i personally feel dont take the step unless u cent percent confident.. all the best!  

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