
Is it better to do zoology or veternary?

by Guest32108  |  earlier

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Is it better to do zoology or veternary?




  1. zoology is the scientific study of animals(in captivity, the wild, etc. ) and you could help the whole natural world(i suggust not re-locating tho).

    but then again if you hate seeing things in pain and love pets and want to learn medical studies then vetrinarian is your dream job!!!!

  2. There are very few veterinary schools in the U.S.A (I'm assuming you're in the U.S.A.)- it is very competitive to get in.  On the other hand, Zoology could mean doing a lot of research on/of animals and not as much hands on helping.  

    My suggestion is decide why you want to work with animals and what kind of work you want to do with them.  When you consider a school, ask questions like "what kinds of jobs to graduates from this program get?" That will help you make the best match.

    Good luck!

  3. Zoology is the study of animals. Veterinary work is being a doctor to animals. The real question is: would you rather STUDY animals, or WORK with animals? Good luck either way! =]

  4. There is no better. Each is for the health of the animals. It's what type of animals do you prefer to work with?

  5. Both are promising and remarkable careers. However, your choice and interest must prevail. With Zoology, you could prosper in the academe, government agency, research and non-gov't organization that require your expertise. With veterinary Medicine, you could do likewise with the edge of going private practice.

  6. Depends on what you want to do. If you like doing field work and researching then zoology may be the field for you. If you rather work in a medical field, then maybe you should be a vet.

  7. both are great because your helping our animals but i, personally, would choose zoology because i could not stand having to put animals to sleep!

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