
Is it better to dump used motor oil down the public sewer or the kitchen sink?

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Before you get too crazy with your answers telling me not to dump oil into the sewer, I know that it is bad to dump regular motor oil into the public water system. I am committed to saving the environment and recently bought a hybrid car. Since I own a Prius I know the oil is eco-friendly and biodegradable. So, no worries about any having any negative environmental impact!

I just changed the oil on my Prius and want to reduce carbon emissions by not driving to the oil changing place. (It is about a quarter of a mile away.) I wasn’t sure if I should dump the oil down the sink or the sewer. I wouldn’t want any problems clogging up my sink so I thought I would ask. Although, I plan to put some “Impeach Bush” bumper stickers on my car later, so the sewer is close to my garage.

What do you do?




  1. I know some may not agree, but if you own your home, or are on a long term lease, pour the oil around the foundation of the home.  If you keep it close, it wil not harm the flowers or grass and will stop any invasion of insects.

    We have been doing this for years, and one cannot tell by looking that oil is present.

    As it seeps down ito the ground it will also tend to waterproof the foundation.

    Do not pour into any sewer system.

  2. I wouldn't do either.  If you are really worried about the small amount of emission from driving one half mile (you shouldn't be) Save your dirty oil in a 5 gallon container like a water tank, something that has a seal that allows pouring. and (a) run it by the collection place the next time you are headed that way, or (b) save it in the garage till you have a lot, then go dump it.

    That being said; disposing of chemical waste whether bio friendly or not strains the water treatment facility...

    you could always walk...

    Have fun, be well!

  3. You must not have heard but that special biodegradable style Prius oil is a hair stimulant.  Save it for your head and you'll have full locks in no time.

  4. Save it and use it for lube...I am sure a guy like you must be in need.  Prius?????

  5. A whole quarter of a mile away, my you must be in really, really bad shape if you can't WALK there and back.

  6. You can't walk to the nearest gas station/ auto parts store and give the used oil to them? Why not? Mister 'green'...!

    Pouring oil down the drain strains the water treatment plant downstream.

    Pouring oil down the sewer allows it to go directly into the oceans where it harms ocean life.

    Pouring oil onto your foundations will let it leach back into your own drinking water.

    Which would you prefer?

  7. Arent you supposed to take it to a garage?

  8. I don't believe you own a Prius.

  9. I just put it in an old milk container and throw it in the trash.  The garbage guys take it to the dump and then its not my problem any more.

  10. The motor oil that you drained from your Prius is not bio-degradble. take it to be recycled walking the quarter mile carrying the used oil & filter will be good exercise and keep down your carbon emissions, when you get home then put on your bumper sticker.Do a little research b4 u commit a crime against nature!!!

  11. Your used oil does contain carcinogins proven to cause cancer to the unwery in the auto industry. Drive your prius to the one place that can contain it and be relevent to dispell it somewhat correctly. Any engine that is of a internal combustion design produces this unfavorable mix of carcinogic coctail to the base lubricants. You must be a steward to stop this c**p from ever being exposed to the elements of nature and humanity. It begins with the advent of a new process to eliminate such dangerious compounds from the Earth forever.

  12. Just dump it in the nearest wetland area.

    Or recruit two beautiful women and have a hot and steamy oil wrestling match.

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