
Is it better to feed cats/dogs people food?

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My grandmother and grandfather used to have a dog, Rocky, and he loved people food. I'm sure other dogs do, as well, especially meat. I know it has a lot of protein, so is it good for them, too? Because I know that it's a good idea to mix foods up a little for dogs, like some dog kibble, meat, and other stuff. Also, when the dog died, they got a cat. The cat LOVES people food and hates its own food. I guess I'm just wondering if this is a better option than continuously buying specific pet foods. Any help would be wonderful!!




  1. HI there... human food lacks the essential vitamins and minerals found in species-specific pet food.  There are ingredients in human food that can be quite toxic to pet animals.  Additionally, human food can contribute to a host of dietary disorders and/or distress of the digestive system respectively.    Please see the following article regarding this:

    Dangers of table scraps information:

  2. Cats DO need special cat food as they need taurine & meat in there diet, there is a book i saw the other day that has particular receipes FOR ALL sort of things including HUMANS, as well, as cats, dogs, turtles, rabbits, lizard etc & had what was toxic to animals too in the book!

    Book by the Lort Smith Animal Shelter called Nipple Munch chop!

    (Lort Smith Animal Shelter-melbourne victoria animal shelter)

    I would prefer to feed my dog biscuits mixed with abit of our vegetables, but not all our vegetables are safe for dogs to eat. Alfalfa, Avocado, Onion are toxic to dogs!

    Also the holistic dry foods diets dog  can lead to health problems as the protein levels in some variety are so high 35% protein, unless you own a husky pulling a sled 7times a week &365days a year, you will eventually strain the kidneys, and lead to early kidney failure and early death! Most adult dogs need 18%protein and a little bit more then that won't hurt, but 35% is ridiculous! I even went to the vets today-they had NO holistic VARIETIES AT ALL!

    toxic plant to pets-RAW BONES are fine, but don't feet a raw chicken wing to a large dog as it poses a choken hazard


    What they had was

    Science Diet

    Royal Canin




    Dogs do need some vegetables in there diet, but they also need some meat

    Feeding Basics

    The Dangers of a Raw Meat Diet

    Myths about proper diets for our dogs and cats seem always to be with us. Some of these myths may have a grain of truth, but this truth is often greatly exaggerated or misapplied. Other myths are nurtured by misinformation and mistrust.

    One myth that could be threatening to our pets' health involves raw meat diets for dogs. The proponents of this belief question the wholesomeness and nutritional value of commercial pet foods. But in fact there is no scientific substantiation for raw meat diets. Indeed, there are several known drawbacks:

    Although meat is a source of protein, it has very low levels of calcium, a mineral our pets require for proper bone and tooth development. Calcium also plays an important role in blood clotting, muscle contraction and transmission of nerve impulses. But simply supplementing with calcium won't work. Mineral nutrients are interrelated. Calcium and phosphorus have a scientifically established relationship in the formation of bones and teeth, provided a proper balance is maintained. This balance is usually not present in meat. If large quantities of raw meat are fed over time, skeletal problems may develop.

    Liver is often thought of as a "healthy" meat because it has a high level of Vitamin A, a fat-soluble vitamin that is stored by the body. And for humans who eat other things as well, it can be healthy. But when liver is fed to pets in excessive quantities over a period of time, Vitamin A toxicity can result. This can lead to improper bone development, lameness and bone decalcification.

    Raw meat carries the threat of bacteria and parasites, including salmonella. The risk of salmonellosis is always present when pets are fed raw meat diets. Certain species of tapeworm can be found in raw meat and passed on to a pet who ingests the meat.

    Raw meat diets do not replicate the diets of dogs in the wild. While it's true that dogs consume muscle meat when they eat wild animals for survival, they also consume the bones, intestinal contents and internal organs, which come closer to providing a complete and balanced diet. Wild dogs are also known to eat grasses and other vegetable matter.

    The truth is that good quality pet foods are backed by years of canine nutrition studies. They are the result of scientific studies by researchers in veterinary colleges and animal nutritionists in Animal Science programs and at reputable pet food manufacturers. They are also carefully processed to protect against salmonella or internal parasite infection.

    When people eat, they combine meat with vegetables, fruits, breads and other foods to give them the balanced nutrition they need. If we were to eat one particular food consistently, chances are we would become malnourished or develop health problems. No single food or food group can provide all the nutrients we need in proper proportions.

  3. Some families do not give their pets human food at all.  I personally fed my Rottweiler broth, meat, etc. and also wet and dry dog food.  She got overweight from it.  To maintain good health and weight, its best to stick to the dog or cat food.

  4. I just saw something on tv today about dogs' digestive systems.  If dogs only eat processed dog food, i.e. dry dog food or dog roll, they miss out on getting digestive stimulation from natural digestive microbes and enzymes.  This leads to digestive gas, farts, burps, and smelly breath!  So giving fresh meat as well as pet food would be good for their digestion, and I assume this would probably apply to cats too.  But don't feed them processed human food like ham, salami, or other stuff with preservatives etc.  I've heard bread and chocolate are bad for them too.

  5. It's no good to give cats people food cause in cat's or dog's food has the protein they need. But it's okay to give people food to your pets.

  6. My nana feeds her dogs chicken. I'm pretty sure you could feed your cat some people food, BUT NO CHOCOLATE!! Chocolate can kill an animal!!

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