
Is it better to get gerbils in pairs?

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I've had two females, and I thought that they lived really well together. I was just wondering if I should buy two this time. I really would rather only have one, if possible...and i dont really want a hamster, i love gerbils.




  1. Yes; it's best to get gerbils in same-s*x pairs. Gerbils are social. Lone gerbils tend to live shorter, less healthy lives. If unhappy, they could become unsocial with humans. One gerbil may be more work than two, because you'll have to find more time to spend with it. No matter how much time you spend with a lone gerbil, though, it doesn't make up for the fact that it must sleep alone, groom itself, and play with itself when you're not around. You really should get two gerbils.

  2. Yes, they do best in pairs because they are very social animals.  I keep my four animals together and they are best buddies.  They are getting older and I know that when the first one dies that it will be missed.  I don't even like to think about that.  I love my gerbils too.  They are so sweet and easy going and they have never once bit me.  I love to watch them interact.  I love my hamster and I got really lucky with her because she has never bitten me but hamsters can be really temperamental.

  3. Its really best to get 2 gerbils.  One time i had just one and it SUCKED AS$.  Do NOT get just 1... TRUST me

    if you only want one then you can either get a hamster or stick with getting 2 gerbils.

    And, if you really loved gerbils you wouldnt get just one, it'll get depresed easily.

  4. yes it is much better to get gerbils in pairs. they will actually live longer.  a lonely gerbil will live on average a little more than one year less than gerbils kept in pairs.  so its much better for their health and well being.  

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