
Is it better to give your help to those who need it most, or those who deserve it most?

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Is it better to give your help to those who need it most, or those who deserve it most?




  1. GOOD question

    generally the both, and sometimes I give it to who deserve it depends on the kind of the help.

  2. helpping everyone it means help yourself

  3. Why discriminate?

    If they need help then help them if you can.

  4. i believe that you can never be sure who truly deserve it and who truly needs it. so its better to just help everyone

  5. How would you judge who deserves it most ? by what they told you ? by what someone else told you ? by their appearance ?

  6. Need is endless.

    Merit is treasure.

    Marx is an idiot.

    Darwin damns denial. &

    You get more of whatever you reward.

    So help whoever you want.  

    Just know that helping need just gets you more need.

  7. enigmatic question, after considering few scenarios, I came to the conclusion that those who need help most might not be deserving it as, hypothetically speaking  a killer trying to get rid of the body of his victim might be desperate for help in doing that however that does not qualify this killer to deserve the help.

  8. i think when giving help you don't look at those who need it most or those who deserve it most, you give it when you can because they say don't judge a book by its cover

  9. I think it is better to help those in need, regardless.  There is a famous quote that mentions how if we start helping others just because we have compassion in our heart, eventually we find that it reciprocates and comes back to us.  

    I would feel that it would be better to help the person who needs the help the most.  Those are the ones who feel so alone in their world, and probably view important aspects in a negative way.  

    And who decides who is more deserving?Shouldn't we all be deserving because we are human and crave love and support from others?  

    Thanks for reading!

  10. Needing and deserving are not always mutually exclusive. People do have genuine needs (e.g., food, clothing and shelter) and they deserve to have provisions for such needs. Genuine need-claims have a solid moral foundation, they are vital to a person's functioning. Deserve-claims on the other hand, are not free standing. Considerations of justice have to be invoked in order to assess such claims. So there is no objective answer to your question. It depends on what kind of need-claim it is, and which conception of justice is appropriate for the situation.

  11. The needy and the deserving may be the same people, so your dilemma doesn’t always arise of course. When it does arise, need is more important than desert. Morality is mainly about how your actions affect other people’s interests; and interests are worse hit when needs go unfulfilled than when deserts aren't heeded : more harm is done. Both needs and deserts should be recognized but, come a clash, I’d put needs first.

  12. How often is anyone in a position to ascertain whether or not someone truly deserves help?  Best bet is to give people the benefit of the doubt.  Depends on what kind of help they need.  You need to ration out the help that you can give to others.  Therefore, most deserving AND most needed gets priority.

    The distinction is a little bit arbitrary, since "deserving" and "need" are two sets that partially intersect!

  13. Here is the wisdom :

    If you love someone who loves you, what would be your reward, even bad person does the same. If you greet only your brothers/sisters, is that better than any other person does. Even people who does not know God does the same. Therefore, be perfect, as God has shone sun for the good and the bad, and has poured rains for the good and the bad

  14. Deserve it. Some people end up needing help due to their own stupidity and dont deserve it.

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