
Is it better to have 'Loved and lost' than to have 'Never loved at all?'?

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Is it better to have 'Loved and lost' than to have 'Never loved at all?'?




  1. its not a case of having loved and lost anyone in your mind so to speak,as what you are saying is that you have lost someone, so the next time you get into a relationship if the previous person left you for example, then listen to what your mate needs at all times as that is the responsibility of the male anyway.

    if for example my wife comes home from work and wants to eat fish and chips for dinner and i say no, lets go to a resturant instead then im overriding her needs, im not listening to her, and im once again wanting things my way. men do this all the time in many different ways and they wonder why eventually the women leave them.

    as women prefer men who actually listen to them, cheers peter.

    most of the males in these pages of yahoo are missing the mark with there partners because they are not listening to their partners, cheers peter.

  2. nope, lies!!!!

  3. I would rather never loved at all,

    Iv just lost a best mate who i loved so much and omg the pain you go through its horrible  

  4. Yes it is in my opinion . There are always good times in  a relationship even if it does end sour. There are always good memories - alas which doesn't always over ride the bad.

  5. I'd say so yes.

    Its all experience and only makes you stronger.

    'If it doesn't kill you it'll only make you stronger.'

  6. if you have loved and lost you have to deal with sadness,regret and loss

    if you have never loved atall then you havnt had to deal with anything like that

  7. Both are equally difficult...good thinking..

  8. Yes.

  9. I think yes, because all the experiences you have in life shape you into the person you are...which for most people is constantly evolving, even if only subtly.  I would never be able to love my husband the way I do, or appreciate him the way I do had I not been hurt before and had something to learn from.  You will never take your true love for granted when you find them if you know what it would feel like to lose them.

  10. Well.. I have always wondered what it might be like to have never loved, honestly i imagine that i'd probably be a lot happier most the time.  Think about it, if you were able to spend all your time and money on yourself doing the things you loved.  Only getting with women to use them when you needed to, that might be a great life.

  11. I guess it depends on how you have "loved and lost".  If he cheated on you and you lost him to another or if he was faithful and died and loved you very much.  I am glad I "loved and lost" but I didn't really loose because he was never satisfied with anything and I finally had to let him go.  He went nuts after I left, but he didn't want me anyway.  He wanted someone who was perfect but still would take all the abuse.

  12. never being able to love anyone is really sad. because it is one of the best things on earth, even if the relationship ends. this is a chance to get to know yourself and makes you ready for the next relationship which may not end this time.

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