
Is it better to have a boyfriend at 11 or 16?

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Is it better to have a boyfriend at 11 or 16?




  1. 16.

    Trust me, you don't want to deal with the heartache and sh*t at 11.

  2. R u 4 real? Do u have parents or did u grow from some kind of mutated alien life form from the city dum? What the h**l kind of question is that?

  3. doesnt matter...

  4. well I'm 13 and still don't have 1. but you can start the 1st kind of realtionships at 11 where you really only have a bf to say u have a bf, maybe u guys do minimal friend stuff together but 16 is where u can get romantic

  5. 16.

  6. um, 16

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