
Is it better to have a child's bedroom off the kitchen or the living room?

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We are comparing two very similar apartments, but in one the 2nd bedroom is only accessible by walking through the kitchen (basically a wide galley kitchen but with a small dinette area at one end. The other apartment has the bedroom connected to the living room, which breaks up one of the LR walls, but not too badly. Which one sounds like a more appealing layout to people? How strongly would you feel about it? We are wondering how it will affect not just ourselves but also the resale value.

Also this is a converted JR 4 so someone might use it as either a 2 bedroom or 1 bedroom + den/office.




  1. I think the bedroom off the living room would be best for a child.  Not only for safety reasons, but because in my experience, the kitchen is the heart of the home.  If you have a younger child, the kitchen noise might keep them awake (i.e. running a dishwasher, cooking).  

  2. When I choose a home the most important thing to me is have my child closest too me.  So I would pick an apartment where our rooms where right next to each other so that I could be close to my child in any situation.  

  3. what happens if the kitchen catches on fire and there is no escape from the childs room

    i know theres a window but still

    id choose  the one with the bed off the living room  

  4. I'd choose the one that would put my bedroom closest to my child's room.  If the child gets sick in the night and calls out to me, I want to hear her.  

  5. probably the living room... I would like to be close to the door, if there was a fire in the kitchen the child wouldnt be able to get out... For safety reasons the living room would be best. Is the child old enough to choose or decide? If so you could ask him/her what room she would prefer and take her opinion into consideration...

    I hope i helped and good luck!

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