
Is it better to have loved,?

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Is it better to have loved than to never loved at all?




  1. Well, you can't truly be free, if you admire someone else too much. I know this may sound stupid, but thats just the way I feel, and I dont just mean romantically, but if you're caught up with someone all the time and so dependent on them, then you actually stop being free. I am planning never to get married.

  2. I've love and I've lost ... many times .. you have to play if you are going to win .. and a life without love is just sooo boring.

  3. Yes! love is something we- as humans- seek throughout life whether we like it or not. it is what makes life worth living. whether it's the love of a friend, a family member, or a mate. we tend to rely on that type of comfort.

    if you are asking this question because you feel alone or hurt from a previous relationship, just remember that their are billions of people out there that have been through the exact conflict with themselves. stay strong and love will find a way back to you.  

  4. It's better to have loved because at least you'd experience what it feels like.  

  5. Love love love you are lucky

  6. Yes.

    The quote is, "Is it better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all."

    And yes.  It is.

  7. Love = Learning.  To not experience it, is to not understand emotions.

  8. I think so

  9. Yes , I do think it is true

  10. Thats a good question.. I never thought of it before but I think the reason you asked that question is either you are having trouble with love or you are in a bad situation which you cannot find love... But don't be offended because I am not saying this to you in a strong motive or I am not offending you... This goes out to all those who are trouble makers of love, and other crimes.. As a Christian love is more than just having the intercourse with male and female.. Love is more of the one in the inside not the outside.. Love is never severe, love is never fear... ha ha  I made that one up but because I am still a rookie for my Christian life I don't really know but there is a  verse that has that kind of a saying.. But anyways I really think that love should never be played with... Love is how Jesus Christ came to earth to make the mission which other believers have been talking about.. Look for him.. He has lots of love and it even begins with a well greeting for you to go too... I hope this really helps your question... Take care and I do hope you will find the real love that you need...

  11. Nope, the opposite is truer.

  12. Yes. You need the good times and the bad. the more you experience the good the better off you are, and the bad makes you cherish the good when it comes again.  

  13. Yep!

  14. Yes and I think life without having never loved would be quite horrible.

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