
Is it better to join club volleyball or go to a volleyball camp?

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Which one will improve my game better?




  1. That really depends on what you want. I believe that in the long run, Club is better. You get to play for alot longer than a camp, which can be as short as one week long. The coaches are generally the same people who run camps, and you get to play at tournaments that have more scouts and more exposure to college coaches.

    On the other hand, camps are great because you get to focus on many parts of your gameand work with some of the best people in the game. Generally it is very difficult to play on a well known coach's Club team, but at many camps there are some word renound coaches there. The camps though, are usually much shorter than a Club season.

    If you can afford it, I would do both. Either way, research who will be coaching in your area and then decide, who knows, maybe somebody really good will be there.

  2. I went to a volleyball camp in San Diego when I was 11 and continued going till college and it was great, great teachers trainers, it helped me tremendously.

  3. Club. is the better choice simply because you get to do everything here and more than in camp. Also, Club ball runs longer your coach and teammates have more time to know you and work with you.

    Practices (both)

    Scrimmages (both)

    Tournaments (club)

    Higher levels of Competition (club)

    Team Bonding (both, but club is stronger)

    Free stuff (both)

    Good Luck

  4. is way better to go to a volleyball camp because they cover everything you need to learn plus they practice a lot and if you are doing something wrong they will help you get it right.  Plus if you join a volleyball club you have to prove that you are better than the other ones and stuff( experience not cool at all)


  6. It depends on the experience that you have. If you know how to play and have played before you should try the volleyball club. If you haven't had any experience then you should try the volleyball camp and then join the volleyball club if you enjoy playing and working hard for the ball.

  7. probably volleyball camp cause it is a camp and u will learn more then going to a club. Just a thought! Hope it helps!

  8. I would go to volleyball camp b/c you would learn more about volleyball and get a lot more time on the court!!!

  9. I think that camp would help improve your game becuase it is meant to be an educational thing

  10. I think if you just want to learn the basics you should go to the camp, but if you just want to practice the skills that you already have, i would join a club volleyball team....if i were you i would actually do both, go to the camp first then join the team!!!

  11. The previous people that answered just a camp, also think that Rome was built in a day.  It depends on what you want out of it.  If you are simply trying to learn the game and play occasionally than a camp is fine.  Otherwise, DEFINITELY play club volleyball!!!!  I coached for All-American Volleyball Camps this summer, and it was hard to try and fix long time problems or teach new skills when you only have a few days.  We often got that question during question and answer sessions.  Playing club is like having a volleyball camp all year round.  It is a little expensive at times, but the coaching is usually really good, and there are only 12 of you as opposed to a whole gym full of campers.  Trust me!

  12. I'd think club would, but I'm not sure because I've never been in it. My coach said it was pretty expensive.

    If you go to a volleyball camp that is hosted by a college, I think that it would help. I went to a local christian college VB camp a few years ago. It was pretty expensive for just 3 days, but you stay in the dorms and they give you meals. It's really fun when you get other girls from your team so you can just hang out and play together (really ups team bonding), but playing with girls from other places helps you make new friends and adjust to different people's techniques.

  13. it depends on your skill level, but if you usually just play school, and arent great, i would do volleyball camps, until you progress, and feel like your ready for a much more competitive league then school, club will improve your game, but its inteneded for serious athletes, and skill level is higher. i do both, (camp and club) which if your more serious about it, i would just do that right away, otherwise go to some camps first before doing club.

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