
Is it better to let a bird you got at a shop to let it free or keep it until it dies of old age?

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I am getting a bird but my dad says that we will have to let them go after a while but i dont not think it is a good thing or is it? can somebody plz help and tell me which would be better and why ( i am going to show this to my dad )





  1. If you got the bird at the store, then it probably grew up in the kind of environment where it's given food, shelter, and water. Please do not let the bird go because it won't know how to find food or shelter, and it will eventually die outside. Store bought birds are supposed to be left in the house inside a cage, and outside birds are supposed to be left outside in the open :)

  2. pet store birds are born and raised in captivity and do not know the real world or what predation is if you release the bird it will die of starvation or as pray--if your father will not allow you to keep the bird then return it to the store--or just kill it yourself--to release it is a death sentence

  3. No you should never let pet birds go...they would most likely not survive in the wild anyway...they would not know how to forage to feed themselves and would be easy prey for cats, or wild birds, hawks, etc., and you can also be spreading disease to wild bird populations.  Releasing a pet bird is a very irresponsible thing to do.  If you can't keep the bird until it dies or you cannot place it in another home if you cannot keep it..then you have no right to own a bird in the first place.

  4. You definitely want to keep your bird! Not only will it be a waste of money....but you'll pretty much be killing it as well!

    If your dad insists on only keeping it for a while, give it to one of your friends later on! (Preferably one who has birds already, or has experience with birds) Whatever you choose to do should be okay, as long as the bird doesn't get into the wild, because that's pretty much promising a quick death! :(

  5. Pet store birds are hatch specifially for sale AS PETS. They do not have any natural instincts that allow them to find food, recognise predators, ect because their ancestors never had too and they didn't have parents to teach them to forage and survive.

    Birds that are raised as pets are not meant to be released into the wild. There is a 100% chance they will die with in a month if you do that. Since a bird can live a minimum of 15-20 years, and your dad has no clue how to care for birds and what they need, I suggest you not get one.

    I know its hard when you really want something and can't get it, but think about it. What kind of life are you going to be able to give the bird and will you be able to care for it for its whole life?

  6. You don't turn caged bred birds lose in the wild. The wild birds will chase and pick on it because it is a different color or what ever reason. It will also die of starvation. If you need to dispose of your bird don't sentence it to death. Find someone who will give it a good home. Tell dad he needs to read up on his birds. You don't say what kind of bird it is but it doesn't matter what breed it is. If it is cage raised then it will die in the wild. If not now then when it turns cool. They are not equipped with the information that they need to find food. It has always been provided for them.

    If you purchase a caged bird be prepared to take care of it any where from 15- 75 years. It is all according to what type of bird it is.

  7. No!

    You will kill the poor bird by letting it go!

    It depends on you for everything it needs and wants.

    Letting it go would mean that it would either starve to death, which is SLOW and PAINFUL! Or, it would be caught by a predator.

    Do the bird a favor and keep it. It's life or death here.

  8. A caged bird will die in the wild.  They weren't taught to find their own food or to deal with the elements.  If you intend to just get a bird and then send it to it's death, leave it at the pet shop.

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