
Is it better to marry a foriegn bride in her native country or the US?

by Guest66933  |  earlier

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I am a US citizen who plans on visiting my girlfriend who lives in the Philippines very soon. We we're having a debate on the easiest way for her to come to live in the US with me. I read it is easier if we are not married before she comes to the US and file a K1-Fiance Visa. She thinks that it will be easier for her to get approved from the Embassy if we get married during my stay in the Philippines. I would be more than willing to marry her while in the Philippines but we don't want to have to wait too long a time until we can finally live together so we want to take the best course of action. Any input is greatly appreciated!




  1. Do not go to the Philippines.Get married in the us.Many years ago i was tricked by the girls parents to go the the Philippines.After i arrived i was drugged and they stole all my money.After three days i finally came too ,looking down the barrel of a m16.I was forced to marry the girl at gun point.I was stuck there for 6 months until i finally escaped that nasty country minus my wife.She was not coming anyway.They were getting ready to set another guy up.The older sister had already riped off a German tourist even before i arrived.Nasty.

  2. If you are from the USA the K-1 visa is the way to go. It is quicker, and easier. Plus, you can have a "trial marriage" while she is in the USA. With the K-1 she can stay 90 days - 3 months - before you marry, or she has to go back.

    Wouldn't you like to have that time together to make sure this huge step your taking is the right one?

    That is what I did. It became obvious we could not live together. She went back to Philippines. We are still great friends, but both of us are glad we did not get married.

  3. It really depends more on whether or not the two of you  have already met in the past 2 years. If  you  have, you can file the fiance petition immediately. If not, you'll have to go to the Philippines first and then file when you return, either the fiance petition if she is still  your fiancee or the immigrant visa petition if you are married. Either way, you'll need to demonstrate your relationship. And there isn't that much savings in time on processing between the two.

  4. You will need to met the residency requirements in order to file in the i-130 with the embassy in the Philippines. It is probably in your best interest to file in the USA and wait for processing. So, unless you want to live there for like 6months to a year you should file form I-129f

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