I work in a fast food restaurant and I think I'm starting to put on a couple of pounds. I've been working there for about 9 months. I've actually lost 15 lbs... I was going to a gym, but I stopped around 5 months ago.
The reason I went to a gym was because I had man b***s... and still have them but they are a lot less noticeable.
I'm 5'8 and weigh 135.
I'm always scared to eat fast food because I'm scared my stomach is going to stick out... I feel fat every time I eat fast food and my stomach gets bigger.
For about a month I wouldn't eat at work for 6 months, but when I got home, I would eat like a pig.
Any exercises or something I should do? My stomach looks like it's sticking out. And is it better to not eat or to eat fast food?