
Is it better to push yourself when you feel artistically drained, or to stop and wait until the next day?

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I've recognized that I don't draw or practice enough to see steady improvements in my artwork. I'd like to start practicing and drawing a whole lot more than I usually do, but I hate that feeling of being artistically drained that comes after I've been drawing for a long time.

Is it better to keep going when your creativity starts to feel drained, or to stop and start drawing again later or the next day?




  1. I think when you feel drained you need a break!

    a fresh start can sometimes really inspire you.

  2.   When you draw,paint,or just sketch out some kind of artwork & you start getting tired,it is very wise to set it aside & rest your mind.I draw alot of vehicles that take a great deal of time.I stop drawing after 3 to 4 hours & just set the drawing aside.Then go back to it after awhile.Believe me,not setting aside & resting could lead into a mess.I hope this helps you.

  3. No, don't push yourself. When it happens to me, I become very frustrated. So, I get something preoccupy my time and pray that inspiration and creativity will come to me. Come back and clear your mind. That always helps me when i have a "creative block".

    And when creativity does come back to me, I let it keep roll until it's finished...

  4. You should stop. If you keep pushing yourself to draw when you don't want to you'll begin to no longer enjoy drawing, which is just about the worst thing that can happen to an artist! Obviously, that will just make the problem worse. Actually, you shouldn't get to a point where you feel drained at all - make sure you take regular breaks and don't push yourself to finish something if you don't feel like it.

    Instead, I suggest trying to spark up your enthusiasm about drawing. Be conscious of the process of learning and discovery as you draw and enjoy that you are helping yourself to improve. Do good artists inspire you? Go and admire some artwork that you like. Any other inspirations, like music? Use that too. Look up online tutorials about drawing or colouring, or buy some books to teach yourself, and try new things you've never tried before. Exploring is fun, and you might find something you really enjoy. Before you start drawing, think for a while about whatever you're going to draw, and turn it over in your head adding new ideas until you're really excited to start.

    I also used to have this problem but I now draw every day, so it's possible to solve it. It really does send your progress rate up hugely.

    Good luck. :)

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