
Is it better to put my car on my parents insurance or do it myself?

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I'm 19, and I just bought a car recently. When I get it insured, should I put it on my parents insurance or on my own? What reasons are there for why I should/shouldn't?





  1. its a lot cheaper to put it on your parents insurance policy ,it will save you hundreds of dollars on the cost of it,if you don't with you being young it will be really high,being young has some draw backs when it comes to having insurance,it cost more,good luck.

  2. It will be cheaper if your on your parent's insurance.  However, by putting you on their insurance, they run the risk of being liable in the event that you have an accident.  They could be sued and their assets could be in jeopardy.

  3. The main reason why you should put your car on your parents policy is because of cost.  It will be so much cheaper to put it on their policy.

  4. If you want to start going and doing things on your own then might as well get your own. Usually if you're living in the same household you can just stay on your parents. But check this site out they'll have some great info and give you quotes from some of the top providers in your area. If the prices aren't much different I would say just get on your own and leave your parents out of it, but if it's a huge difference might as well save some money.

  5. I would definitely recommend getting on your parent's policy.  I bought a new car when I was 19 and the insurance company wanted to charge me $260 a month for my own policy.  The same insurance company only charged me $150 a month to be on my paren't policy.

    If you are interested in comparing a few quotes to get a ball park idea of how much insurance will cost you by yourself, the site below is really helpful.

    Good Luck!

  6. it will be a little cheaper if you get it all on the same

  7. Put it in your parents name until you get some exspirence then put it in your name. If you start your insurance in your name as a new driver and your 19 your insurance will be about what you pay for your car note.  If you start off on your parents insurance the insurance company will show you some love and give the lowest rate possible because your parents have built a certain level of trust with there insurance company over the years. The difference in filing through your parents vs filing yourself could be about $300. I reccommend putting it on your parents insurance.

  8. Stay on your parents insurance until they tell you they want you off....It will be much cheaper and when you get get your own because then you will have cheaper insurance all together

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