
Is it better to said that the American team got beat my some 12 or 13 years old girls?

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Is it better to said that the American team got beat my some 12 or 13 years old girls?




  1. I think so. Or beat by some preteens.  

  2. To Marina R: Who gives a f*ck about cuteness? It has nothing to do with skill. Just look at the girl lip synching at the opening ceremony.  Cute face, no talent.

    The Chinese women's team was definitely mostly made up of less-than-16 year olds, which should deserve a disqualification right then and there.

    In my opinion, the US team lost because of biased judging. I don't deny that the Chinese team did very good, but one girl did the same routine as Shawn Johnson and wobbled at least 5 times on the balance beam, but got deducted much less points than I expected. Multiple times, the US team pulled off flawless routines, but got 15.2s or something. I think there were times when they deserved much more than the judges gave them.

  3. When you have not reached puberty, are younger and have a smaller body mass you can:

    jump higher,

    flip quicker,

    turn more revolutions,

    land witth more grace,

    have better balance,

    have more flexibility,

    and look cuter.

    All of these score high marks with the gynamstics judges. That is why entering younger gymnasts is an unfair advantage to the team that does so.

  4. Yep, because then it would be the truth. Not a lie or a cheat.

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