
Is it better to shave down there than let it grow?

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i just started getting hair and my gf says that i should shave.




  1. At your age, let it grow... when you are old enough to be with a guy, you can trim it to keep things neat. Also, if you go swimming, you can shave to keep your swim line neat. But, just keep in mind, shaving causes bumps and you don't want to start too soon!

  2. Shaving makes it all itchy and if you have sensitive skin it could really really not go well.  My personal opinion is that guys that want a naked vejayjay are women haters because that can be truly miserable for women.  

  3. Stubble is itchy and causes rashes.

    If it gets too bushy you might trim it with hair clippers, but there is no need to shave.

  4. Yes you should it is sexier.  

  5. I say get rid of the hair, its sexier and cleaner.

    Don't worry about when it grows back cos then just shave again, pus there is always waxing and laser hair removal.

  6. Oh god. Please shave.

  7. It's all about personal preference. The first time you do shave, expect it to itch and get bumpy, but after that you have no problems as long as you shave it every other day or so. If you don't want to do that, you can always trim, like others have suggested.

  8. That's completely up to you, darling.  There are really no benefits to either (save for oral s*x), but if you shave, you will likely itch.

  9. Just.. keep it... "neat"

  10. shave

  11. For me it is better to shave.  I believe that is cleaner and sexier.  I am 53 and have shaved for years.  Always use a sharp razor (rinse your razor well and blow it dry with your hair dryer to prolong the life of the razor)  and use plenty of shaving cream.  After you shave you can use a product made to use after shaving or something like Sea Breeze (just be careful) that will stop the bumps and after awhile the itching when it starts growing back will stop, I don't have that problem anymore.  Good Luck whatever you decide!

  12. Definitely.  Your gf knows what she's talking about.

  13. ugh guys always say that we need to shave down there. they dont know how hard it is and how terrible it is afterwards!! the razor burn is terrible and the itch from it is even worse....i would just trim it down a bit but i would hate to shave the complete thing

  14. honestly - I wish to god I would have started early on. If you start shaving right away (from what I've been told) it will be easier to take care of in the future.  Most men do find it more attractive.  Oral s*x is a lot nicer for the giver without it and dealing with your period is a lot more comfortable without it.  My suggestion, don't wait.   Since you have access to the internet, do some research on proper techniques before you start.  Because when it is done improperly, life is miserable for weeks following.  Check out this website:

  15. Don't's there for a protect you among other  things..

    Trim it, but don't shave it's a nightmare when it grows back...

  16. Do what ever makes you feel more comfortable, shaving is more s**y in my opinion, but everyone has their own judgements to it. If you start shaving you would find it more easy to shave every day or every other day, if you go any longer then a day or two without shaving, it can become itchy as it starts to grow back in.  

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