
Is it better to sleep with your HAIR UP OR DOWN?

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Is it better to sleep with your HAIR UP OR DOWN?




  1. Down because you don't want the shaft of your hair to break due to the tight elastic..but if your hair is dirty, wear your hair UP to sleep because you don't want your face to get pimples from the oily dirty hair that would rub on your face!

  2. i put it not a ponytail, but like a super low ponytail.

  3. i've heard that its better to sleep with your hair up because if you sleep with it down apperently your face with get oily. .. but i dunno

  4. down. if you sleep with it up it will break!

  5. sleeping with hair up doesn't damage it, but sleeping with it down makes so much more tangles!! So I say up

  6. It rlly depends. If u want like it wavy i say up, but if u want it normal then down.

  7. down ! - it hurts to sleep with a pony tail!

  8. Down is good.

  9. i say braid it.

    like two braids. but not to tight.

    you wont have tangles.

    and you sleep comphy

  10. I a low pony tail is the best.

    1. Its less knotty

    2. It is not uncomfortable

  11. Down.  More comfortable and won't cause breakage.  

  12. Tying your hair up in a scarf at night is a good idea for a few different reasons:

    1) It helps you retain your hairstyle

    2) It prevents the absorbant material in your pillow from drying out your hair

    3) It helps to prevent your hair from breaking off

    Every hair type (kinky, wavy, straight, etc) is different. But for my own hair type, I tie my hair down for the above reasons.

  13. it totally depends

    if you want curly hair then twist your hair up when its slightly damp into a loose (really loose) pony tail

    (make sure all your hair is twisted back)

    and when you wake up you should get ringlets or the s**y s*x and the city kinky waves!!

    it always works for me.

    But sometimes if you've straightened it and slept with it down, you get a weird kink that follows the shape of your head.

    it doesnt affect your hair either way!

  14. I'd say down... plus if you have your hair up to long more chance of strands being pulled and breaking and then you would have more split ends.

  15. will break off if you leave it up and esp. if you leave it up all the time!!!

  16. Down, but if you don't want knots in it put it in a loose plait, but definately not up in a tight ponytail!

  17. Down! If you sleep with it up, it's uncomfortable and if you are a rough sleeper, it can break the hairs.

  18. down because if up ur hair brakes off and if its in a tight ponytail ur hairline will eveentually start lookin weird cuz the hair is braking off

    but when sleeping wrap your hair so it wont be a horrible mess in the morning  

  19. will have less tangles when you wake up

  20. Down

    give your head a rest!


  21. I only have a my hair tied up when I fall asleep. But usually, I will wake up in the middle of the night and take it off if I fell asleep with it there. I find it very uncomfortable. Besides, I don't like curly hair. I like my long, black, straight, shiny hair. Well, not really long happy.gif' . And I actually want to dye it...But it's still straight and shiny...

    The lump really bothers me, especially since I sleep on my back very often. Then I roll around at night. The lump is very troublesome. Plus my mom used to say that if you tie your hair up too often and too tight, your hair comes out more easily. I dunno if it is true or just some urban legend. But I don't like to tie my hair up too much anyways, usually when I do do it. I will pull the hair up halfway, then the hair kinda spreads out, it doesn't bother me as much, and it's kinda pretty!

  22. Down ,less stress.


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